PHP Class CampPlugin

Inheritance: extends DatabaseObject
Afficher le fichier Open project: sourcefabric/newscoop Class Usage Examples

Méthodes publiques

Свойство Type Description

Protected Properties

Свойство Type Description

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
CampPlugin ( $p_name = null, $p_version = null, $enabled = null )
ClearPluginsInfo ( )
ExtendNoMenuScripts ( &$p_no_menu_scripts )
ExtractPackage ( $p_uploaded_package, &$p_log = null )
GetAll ( $p_reload = false )
GetEnabled ( $p_reload = false )
GetNeedsUpdate ( )
GetPluginsInfo ( boolean $p_selectEnabled = false, boolean $p_reload = false ) : array Return a list or available or activated plugins.
IsPluginEnabled ( $p_name, $p_version = null )
OnAfterUpgrade ( ) : void Updates plugins environment if needed
OnUpgrade ( ) : void Updates plugins if needed
PluginAdminHooks ( string $p_filename, string $p_area = null )
adminHook ( string $filename, array $vars = [] ) Includes hooks for this filename from plugins
create ( $p_name = null, $p_version = null, $p_enabled = true ) constructor
disable ( )
enable ( )
getBasePath ( )
getDbVersion ( )
getFsVersion ( )
getName ( )
getPluginInfo ( $p_plugin_name = '' )
install ( )
isEnabled ( )
uninstall ( )
update ( $p_columns = NULL, $p_commit = true, $p_isSql = false )

Private Methods

Méthode Description
DeleteCachePluginsInfo ( )
FetchCachePluginsInfo ( ) : boolean Fetch plugin infos from cache.
FetchFilePluginsInfo ( ) : boolen Fetch plugin infos from the files.
StoreCachePluginsInfo ( )

Method Details

CampPlugin() public méthode

public CampPlugin ( $p_name = null, $p_version = null, $enabled = null )

ClearPluginsInfo() public static méthode

public static ClearPluginsInfo ( )

ExtendNoMenuScripts() public static méthode

public static ExtendNoMenuScripts ( &$p_no_menu_scripts )

ExtractPackage() public static méthode

public static ExtractPackage ( $p_uploaded_package, &$p_log = null )

GetAll() public static méthode

public static GetAll ( $p_reload = false )

GetEnabled() public static méthode

public static GetEnabled ( $p_reload = false )

GetNeedsUpdate() public static méthode

public static GetNeedsUpdate ( )

GetPluginsInfo() public static méthode

The method have to return an (empty) array.
public static GetPluginsInfo ( boolean $p_selectEnabled = false, boolean $p_reload = false ) : array
$p_selectEnabled boolean
$p_reload boolean
Résultat array

IsPluginEnabled() public static méthode

public static IsPluginEnabled ( $p_name, $p_version = null )

OnAfterUpgrade() public static méthode

Updates plugins environment if needed
public static OnAfterUpgrade ( ) : void
Résultat void

OnUpgrade() public static méthode

Updates plugins if needed
public static OnUpgrade ( ) : void
Résultat void

PluginAdminHooks() public static méthode

public static PluginAdminHooks ( string $p_filename, string $p_area = null )
$p_filename string
$p_area string

adminHook() public static méthode

Includes hooks for this filename from plugins
public static adminHook ( string $filename, array $vars = [] )
$filename string
$vars array

create() public méthode

public create ( $p_name = null, $p_version = null, $p_enabled = true )

disable() public méthode

public disable ( )

enable() public méthode

public enable ( )

getBasePath() public méthode

public getBasePath ( )

getDbVersion() public méthode

public getDbVersion ( )

getFsVersion() public méthode

public getFsVersion ( )

getName() public méthode

public getName ( )

getPluginInfo() public méthode

public getPluginInfo ( $p_plugin_name = '' )

install() public méthode

public install ( )

isEnabled() public méthode

public isEnabled ( )

uninstall() public méthode

public uninstall ( )

update() public méthode

public update ( $p_columns = NULL, $p_commit = true, $p_isSql = false )

Property Details

$m_columnNames public_oe property

public $m_columnNames

$m_dbTableName public_oe property

public $m_dbTableName

$m_keyColumnNames public_oe property

public $m_keyColumnNames

$m_pluginsInfo protected_oe static_oe property

protected static $m_pluginsInfo