PHP Class Components_Qc_Task_Base, horde

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Protected Properties

Свойство Type Description
$_config Components_Config The configuration for the current job.

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
__construct ( Components_Config $config, Components_Qc_Tasks $tasks, Components_Output $output ) Constructor.
getName ( ) : string Get the name of this task.
run ( &$options ) : integer Run the task.
setComponent ( Components_Component $component ) : null Set the component this task should act upon.
setName ( string $name ) : null Set the name of this task.
validate ( array $options ) : array Validate the preconditions required for this release task.

Méthodes protégées

Méthode Description
getComponent ( ) : Components_Component Get the component this task should act upon.
getOutput ( ) : Components_Output Get the output handler.
getTasks ( ) : Components_Release_Tasks Get the tasks handler.
system ( string $call ) : string Run a system call.
systemInDirectory ( string $call, string $target_dir ) : string Run a system call.

Method Details

__construct() public méthode

public __construct ( Components_Config $config, Components_Qc_Tasks $tasks, Components_Output $output )
$config Components_Config The configuration for the current job.
$tasks Components_Qc_Tasks The task handler.
$output Components_Output Accepts output.

getComponent() protected méthode

Get the component this task should act upon.
protected getComponent ( ) : Components_Component
Résultat Components_Component The component to be checked.

getName() public méthode

Get the name of this task.
public getName ( ) : string
Résultat string The task name.

getOutput() protected méthode

Get the output handler.
protected getOutput ( ) : Components_Output
Résultat Components_Output The output handler.

getTasks() protected méthode

Get the tasks handler.
protected getTasks ( ) : Components_Release_Tasks
Résultat Components_Release_Tasks The release tasks handler.

run() public méthode

Run the task.
public run ( &$options ) : integer
Résultat integer Number of errors.

setComponent() public méthode

Set the component this task should act upon.
public setComponent ( Components_Component $component ) : null
$component Components_Component The component to be checked.
Résultat null

setName() public méthode

Set the name of this task.
public setName ( string $name ) : null
$name string The task name.
Résultat null

system() protected méthode

Run a system call.
protected system ( string $call ) : string
$call string The system call to execute.
Résultat string The command output.

systemInDirectory() protected méthode

Run a system call.
protected systemInDirectory ( string $call, string $target_dir ) : string
$call string The system call to execute.
$target_dir string Run the command in the provided target path.
Résultat string The command output.

validate() public méthode

Validate the preconditions required for this release task.
public validate ( array $options ) : array
$options array Additional options.
Résultat array An empty array if all preconditions are met and a list of error messages otherwise.

Property Details

$_config protected_oe property

The configuration for the current job.
protected Components_Config $_config
Résultat Components_Config