PHP Class Element_OphCoTherapyapplication_Therapydiagnosis

The followings are the available columns in table:
Inheritance: extends SplitEventTypeElement
Afficher le fichier Open project: openeyes/openeyes

Méthodes publiques

Свойство Type Description

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
attributeLabels ( ) : array
getDiagnosisStringForSide ( string $side ) : string return a string representation of the diagnoses set for the given side.
getLevel1Disorders ( ) : Disorder[] Get a list of level 1 disorders for this element (appends any level 1 disorder that has been selected for this element but aren't part of the default list).
getLevel2Disorders ( $disorder ) : Disorder[] retrieve a list of disorders that are defined as level 2 disorders for the given disorder.
model ( $className = __CLASS__ ) : the Returns the static model of the specified AR class.
relations ( ) : array
requiredIfSecondary ( $attribute, $params ) * check a level 2 diagnosis is provided for level 1 diagnoses that require it (need to check the side as well though)
rules ( ) : array
search ( ) : CActiveDataProvider Retrieves a list of models based on the current search/filter conditions.
sidedFields ( )
tableName ( ) : string

Méthodes protégées

Méthode Description
afterSave ( )
beforeSave ( )
beforeValidate ( )

Method Details

afterSave() protected méthode

protected afterSave ( )

attributeLabels() public méthode

public attributeLabels ( ) : array
Résultat array customized attribute labels (name=>label)

beforeSave() protected méthode

protected beforeSave ( )

beforeValidate() protected méthode

protected beforeValidate ( )

getDiagnosisStringForSide() public méthode

return a string representation of the diagnoses set for the given side.
public getDiagnosisStringForSide ( string $side ) : string
$side string 'left' or 'right'
Résultat string

getLevel1Disorders() public méthode

Get a list of level 1 disorders for this element (appends any level 1 disorder that has been selected for this element but aren't part of the default list).
public getLevel1Disorders ( ) : Disorder[]
Résultat Disorder[]

getLevel2Disorders() public méthode

retrieve a list of disorders that are defined as level 2 disorders for the given disorder.
public getLevel2Disorders ( $disorder ) : Disorder[]
Résultat Disorder[]

model() public static méthode

Returns the static model of the specified AR class.
public static model ( $className = __CLASS__ ) : the
Résultat the static model class

relations() public méthode

public relations ( ) : array
Résultat array relational rules.

requiredIfSecondary() public méthode

* check a level 2 diagnosis is provided for level 1 diagnoses that require it (need to check the side as well though)
public requiredIfSecondary ( $attribute, $params )

rules() public méthode

public rules ( ) : array
Résultat array validation rules for model attributes.

sidedFields() public méthode

public sidedFields ( )

tableName() public méthode

public tableName ( ) : string
Résultat string the associated database table name

Property Details

$service public_oe property

public $service