PHP Class Event_Dispatcher

The Event_Dispatcher acts acts as a notification dispatch table. It is used to notify other objects of interesting things, if they meet certain criteria. This information is encapsulated in {@link Event_Notification} objects. Client objects register themselves with the Event_Dispatcher as observers of specific notifications posted by other objects. When an event occurs, an object posts an appropriate notification to the Event_Dispatcher. The Event_Dispatcher dispatches a message to each registered observer, passing the notification as the sole argument. The Event_Dispatcher is actually a combination of three design patterns: the Singleton, {@link Mediator}, and Observer patterns. The idea behind Event_Dispatcher is borrowed from {@link Apple's Cocoa framework}.
Author: Bertrand Mansion ([email protected])
Author: Stephan Schmidt ([email protected])
Afficher le fichier Open project: sourcefabric/newscoop Class Usage Examples

Méthodes publiques

Свойство Type Description
$_name string Name of the dispatcher
$_nestedDispatchers array Nested observers
$_notificationClass string Class used for notifications
$_pending array Pending notifications
$_ro array Registered observer callbacks

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
Event_Dispatcher ( $name ) PHP4 constructor
__construct ( $name ) PHP5 constructor
addNestedDispatcher ( &$dispatcher ) add a new nested dispatcher
addObserver ( $callback, $nName = EVENT_DISPATCHER_GLOBAL, $class = null ) : void Registers an observer callback
getInstance ( $name = '__default' ) : object Returns a notification dispatcher singleton
getName ( ) : string Get the name of the dispatcher.
getObservers ( $nName = EVENT_DISPATCHER_GLOBAL, $class = null ) : array Get all observers, that have been registered for a notification
observerRegistered ( $callback, $nName = EVENT_DISPATCHER_GLOBAL, $class = null ) : boolean Check, whether the specified observer has been registered with the dispatcher
post ( &$object, $nName, $info = [], $pending = true, $bubble = true ) : object Creates and posts a notification object
postNotification ( &$notification, $pending = true, $bubble = true ) : object Posts the {@link Event_Notification} object
removeNestedDispatcher ( $dispatcher ) : boolean remove a nested dispatcher
removeObserver ( $callback, $nName = EVENT_DISPATCHER_GLOBAL, $class = null ) : boolean Removes a registered observer that correspond to the given criteria
setNotificationClass ( $class ) : boolean Changes the class used for notifications

Method Details

Event_Dispatcher() public méthode

Please use {@link getInstance()} instead.
public Event_Dispatcher ( $name )

__construct() public méthode

Please use {@link getInstance()} instead.
public __construct ( $name )

addNestedDispatcher() public méthode

Notifications will be broadcasted to this dispatcher as well, which allows you to create event bubbling.
public addNestedDispatcher ( &$dispatcher )

addObserver() public méthode

This method registers a {@link callback} which is called when the notification corresponding to the criteria given at registration time is posted. The criteria are the notification name and eventually the class of the object posted with the notification. If there are any pending notifications corresponding to the criteria given here, the callback will be called straight away. If the notification name is empty, the observer will receive all the posted notifications. Same goes for the class name.
public addObserver ( $callback, $nName = EVENT_DISPATCHER_GLOBAL, $class = null ) : void
Résultat void

getInstance() public méthode

There is usually no need to have more than one notification center for an application so this is the recommended way to get a Event_Dispatcher object.
public getInstance ( $name = '__default' ) : object
Résultat object Event_Dispatcher

getName() public méthode

The name is the unique identifier of a dispatcher.
public getName ( ) : string
Résultat string name of the dispatcher

getObservers() public méthode

Get all observers, that have been registered for a notification
public getObservers ( $nName = EVENT_DISPATCHER_GLOBAL, $class = null ) : array
Résultat array List of all observers

observerRegistered() public méthode

Check, whether the specified observer has been registered with the dispatcher
public observerRegistered ( $callback, $nName = EVENT_DISPATCHER_GLOBAL, $class = null ) : boolean
Résultat boolean True if the observer has been registered, false otherwise

post() public méthode

The purpose of the optional associated object is generally to pass the object posting the notification to the observers, so that the observers can query the posting object for more information about the event. Notifications are by default added to a pending notification list. This way, if an observer is not registered by the time they are posted, it will still be notified when it is added as an observer. This behaviour can be turned off in order to make sure that only the registered observers will be notified. The info array serves as a container for any kind of useful information. It is added to the notification object and posted along.
public post ( &$object, $nName, $info = [], $pending = true, $bubble = true ) : object
Résultat object The notification object

postNotification() public méthode

Posts the {@link Event_Notification} object
See also: Event_Dispatcher::post()
public postNotification ( &$notification, $pending = true, $bubble = true ) : object
Résultat object The notification object

removeNestedDispatcher() public méthode

remove a nested dispatcher
public removeNestedDispatcher ( $dispatcher ) : boolean
Résultat boolean

removeObserver() public méthode

Removes a registered observer that correspond to the given criteria
public removeObserver ( $callback, $nName = EVENT_DISPATCHER_GLOBAL, $class = null ) : boolean
Résultat boolean True if an observer was removed, false otherwise

setNotificationClass() public méthode

You may call this method on an object to change it for a single dispatcher or statically, to set the default for all dispatchers that will be created.
public setNotificationClass ( $class ) : boolean
Résultat boolean

Property Details

$_name public_oe property

Name of the dispatcher
public string $_name
Résultat string

$_nestedDispatchers public_oe property

Nested observers
public array $_nestedDispatchers
Résultat array

$_notificationClass public_oe property

Class used for notifications
public string $_notificationClass
Résultat string

$_pending public_oe property

Pending notifications
public array $_pending
Résultat array

$_ro public_oe property

Registered observer callbacks
public array $_ro
Résultat array