PHP Class Give_Payment_History_Table, Give

Renders the Payment History table on the Payment History page
Since: 1.0
Inheritance: extends WP_List_Table
Afficher le fichier Open project: wordimpress/give Class Usage Examples

Méthodes publiques

Свойство Type Description
$abandoned_count integer Total number of abandoned payments
$base_url string URL of this page
$cancelled_count integer Total number of cancelled payments
$complete_count integer Total number of complete payments
$failed_count integer Total number of failed payments
$pending_count integer Total number of pending payments
$per_page string Number of results to show per page
$refunded_count integer Total number of refunded payments
$revoked_count integer Total number of revoked payments
$total_count integer Total number of payments

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
__construct ( ) Get things started.
advanced_filters ( )
column_cb ( Give_Payment $payment ) : string Get checkbox html.
column_default ( Give_Payment $payment, string $column_name ) : string This function renders most of the columns in the list table.
get_bulk_actions ( ) : array Retrieve the bulk actions
get_columns ( ) : array Retrieve the table columns
get_donor ( Give_Payment $payment ) : string Get donor html.
get_donor_email ( Give_Payment $payment ) : string Get donor email html.
get_payment_counts ( ) : void Retrieve the payment counts
get_payment_id ( Give_Payment $payment ) : string Get payment ID html.
get_payment_status ( Give_Payment $payment ) : string Get payment status html.
get_row_actions ( $payment ) : mixed | void Get Row Actions
get_sortable_columns ( ) : array Retrieve the table's sortable columns
get_views ( ) : array Retrieve the view types
payments_data ( ) : object Retrieve all the data for all the payments.
prepare_items ( ) : void Setup the final data for the table
process_bulk_action ( ) : void Process the bulk actions
search_box ( string $text, string $input_id ) : void Show the search field

Méthodes protégées

Méthode Description
get_primary_column_name ( ) : string Gets the name of the primary column.

Method Details

__construct() public méthode

Get things started.
See also: WP_List_Table::__construct()
Since: 1.0
public __construct ( )

advanced_filters() public méthode

public advanced_filters ( )

column_cb() public méthode

Get checkbox html.
Since: 1.0
public column_cb ( Give_Payment $payment ) : string
$payment Give_Payment Contains all the data for the checkbox column
Résultat string Displays a checkbox

column_default() public méthode

This function renders most of the columns in the list table.
Since: 1.0
public column_default ( Give_Payment $payment, string $column_name ) : string
$payment Give_Payment Payment ID.
$column_name string The name of the column
Résultat string Column Name

get_bulk_actions() public méthode

Retrieve the bulk actions
Since: 1.0
public get_bulk_actions ( ) : array
Résultat array $actions Array of the bulk actions

get_columns() public méthode

Retrieve the table columns
Since: 1.0
public get_columns ( ) : array
Résultat array $columns Array of all the list table columns

get_donor() public méthode

Get donor html.
Since: 1.0
public get_donor ( Give_Payment $payment ) : string
$payment Give_Payment Contains all the data of the payment
Résultat string Data shown in the User column

get_donor_email() public méthode

Get donor email html.
Since: 1.0
public get_donor_email ( Give_Payment $payment ) : string
$payment Give_Payment Contains all the data of the payment
Résultat string Data shown in the Email column

get_payment_counts() public méthode

Retrieve the payment counts
Since: 1.0
public get_payment_counts ( ) : void
Résultat void

get_payment_id() public méthode

Get payment ID html.
Since: 1.0
public get_payment_id ( Give_Payment $payment ) : string
$payment Give_Payment Contains all the data for the checkbox column
Résultat string Displays a checkbox

get_payment_status() public méthode

Get payment status html.
Since: 1.0
public get_payment_status ( Give_Payment $payment ) : string
$payment Give_Payment Contains all the data of the payment
Résultat string Data shown in the Email column

get_primary_column_name() protected méthode

Gets the name of the primary column.
Since: 1.5
protected get_primary_column_name ( ) : string
Résultat string Name of the primary column.

get_row_actions() public méthode

Get Row Actions
Since: 1.6
public get_row_actions ( $payment ) : mixed | void
Résultat mixed | void

get_sortable_columns() public méthode

Retrieve the table's sortable columns
Since: 1.0
public get_sortable_columns ( ) : array
Résultat array Array of all the sortable columns

get_views() public méthode

Retrieve the view types
Since: 1.0
public get_views ( ) : array
Résultat array $views All the views available

payments_data() public méthode

Retrieve all the data for all the payments.
Since: 1.0
public payments_data ( ) : object
Résultat object all the data for the payments

prepare_items() public méthode

Setup the final data for the table
Since: 1.0
public prepare_items ( ) : void
Résultat void

process_bulk_action() public méthode

Process the bulk actions
Since: 1.0
public process_bulk_action ( ) : void
Résultat void

Property Details

$abandoned_count public_oe property

Total number of abandoned payments
Since: 1.6
public int $abandoned_count
Résultat integer

$base_url public_oe property

URL of this page
Since: 1.0.1
public string $base_url
Résultat string

$cancelled_count public_oe property

Total number of cancelled payments
Since: 1.4
public int $cancelled_count
Résultat integer

$complete_count public_oe property

Total number of complete payments
Since: 1.0
public int $complete_count
Résultat integer

$failed_count public_oe property

Total number of failed payments
Since: 1.0
public int $failed_count
Résultat integer

$pending_count public_oe property

Total number of pending payments
Since: 1.0
public int $pending_count
Résultat integer

$per_page public_oe property

Number of results to show per page
Since: 1.0
public string $per_page
Résultat string

$refunded_count public_oe property

Total number of refunded payments
Since: 1.0
public int $refunded_count
Résultat integer

$revoked_count public_oe property

Total number of revoked payments
Since: 1.0
public int $revoked_count
Résultat integer

$total_count public_oe property

Total number of payments
Since: 1.0
public int $total_count
Résultat integer