PHP Class Horde_ActiveSync_Driver_MockConnector, horde

Author: Michael J Rubinsky ([email protected])
Afficher le fichier Open project: horde/horde

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
export ( $id, $options ) : Horde_ActiveSync_Message_Base MUST mock this method if needed so we can return the expected object.
getActionTimestamp ( $id, $action ) Always returns a MODSEQ of 2. Mock to override.
getChanges ( $folderid, $from_ts, $to_ts ) By default, return no changes. Mock this method to override.
listApis ( ) By default, support the main groupware apps, minus mail.
listUids ( ) By default, return 2 UIDs as shown below. Mock this method to override.

Method Details

export() public méthode

MUST mock this method if needed so we can return the expected object.
public export ( $id, $options ) : Horde_ActiveSync_Message_Base
Résultat Horde_ActiveSync_Message_Base

getActionTimestamp() public méthode

Always returns a MODSEQ of 2. Mock to override.
public getActionTimestamp ( $id, $action )

getChanges() public méthode

By default, return no changes. Mock this method to override.
public getChanges ( $folderid, $from_ts, $to_ts )

listApis() public méthode

Mock this method to override.
public listApis ( )

listUids() public méthode

By default, return 2 UIDs as shown below. Mock this method to override.
public listUids ( )