PHP Class Horde_ActiveSync_Folder_Base, horde

Author: Michael J Rubinsky ([email protected])
Afficher le fichier Open project: horde/horde Class Usage Examples

Méthodes publiques

Свойство Type Description
$haveInitialSync boolean Flag for indicating we have an initial sync for this collection.

Protected Properties

Свойство Type Description
$_class string The collection class.
$_lastSinceDate integer Timestamp for the last sincedate used for SOFTDELETE.
$_serverid string The backend server id for this folder.
$_softDelete integer Timestamp for the last time we performed a SOFTDELETE
$_status array The folder's current internal property state.

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
__construct ( string $serverid, string $class, array $status = [] ) Const'r
collectionClass ( ) : string Return the collection class for this collection.
getSoftDeleteTimes ( ) : array Return the softdelete timestamps.
serverid ( ) : string Return the serverid for this collection.
setServerId ( string $id ) Set a new value for the serverid.
setSoftDeleteTimes ( long $sincedate, long $ts ) Set the last softdelete timestamps used.
setStatus ( array $status ) Set the status for this collection.
updateState ( ) Updates the internal UID cache, and clears the internal update/deleted/changed cache.

Method Details

__construct() public méthode

public __construct ( string $serverid, string $class, array $status = [] )
$serverid string The backend serverid of this folder.
$class string The collection class.
$status array Internal folder state.

collectionClass() public méthode

Return the collection class for this collection.
public collectionClass ( ) : string
Résultat string The collection class.

getSoftDeleteTimes() public méthode

Return the softdelete timestamps.
public getSoftDeleteTimes ( ) : array
Résultat array An array with the last sincedate in the 0 element and the last timestamp in the 1 element.

serverid() public méthode

Return the serverid for this collection.
public serverid ( ) : string
Résultat string The serverid.

setServerId() public méthode

Set a new value for the serverid.
Since: 2.4.0
public setServerId ( string $id )
$id string The new id.

setSoftDeleteTimes() public méthode

Set the last softdelete timestamps used.
public setSoftDeleteTimes ( long $sincedate, long $ts )
$sincedate long The sincedate used in the last softdelete check.
$ts long Time the softdelete check was performed.

setStatus() public méthode

Set the status for this collection.
public setStatus ( array $status )
$status array

updateState() abstract public méthode

Updates the internal UID cache, and clears the internal update/deleted/changed cache.
abstract public updateState ( )

Property Details

$_class protected_oe property

The collection class.
protected string $_class
Résultat string

$_lastSinceDate protected_oe property

Timestamp for the last sincedate used for SOFTDELETE.
protected int $_lastSinceDate
Résultat integer

$_serverid protected_oe property

The backend server id for this folder.
protected string $_serverid
Résultat string

$_softDelete protected_oe property

Timestamp for the last time we performed a SOFTDELETE
protected int $_softDelete
Résultat integer

$_status protected_oe property

The folder's current internal property state.
protected array $_status
Résultat array

$haveInitialSync public_oe property

Flag for indicating we have an initial sync for this collection.
public bool $haveInitialSync
Résultat boolean