PHP Class Horde_ActiveSync_Message_Appointment, horde

Author: Michael J Rubinsky ([email protected])
Inheritance: extends Horde_ActiveSync_Message_Base
Afficher le fichier Open project: horde/horde Class Usage Examples

Protected Properties

Свойство Type Description
$_dayOfWeekMap array DOW mapping for DATE to MASK
$_mapping array Property mapping.
$_properties array Property values.

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
__construct ( array $options = [] ) Const'r
addAttachment ( Horde_ActiveSync_Message_AirSyncBaseAttachment $atc )
addAttendee ( array $attendee ) Add an attendee to this appointment
addCategory ( string $category ) Add a category to the appointment
addException ( Horde_ActiveSync_Message_Exception $exception ) Add a recurrence exception
getAttendees ( ) : array Get a list of this event's attendees
getBody ( ) : string Get the appointment's body
getBusyStatus ( ) : integer Return the busy status for this appointment.
getCategories ( ) : array Return this appointments tags/categories.
getClass ( ) : string Return the collection class name the object is for.
getDTStamp ( ) : Horde_Date Get the appointment's dtimestamp
getDatetime ( ) : array Get the appointment's time data
getExceptions ( ) : array Return the exceptions for this appointment.
getLocation ( ) : string Get the location field
getMeetingStatus ( ) : integer Return the meeting status for this meeting.
getOrganizer ( ) : array Get the details for the appointment organizer
getRecurrence ( ) : Horde_Date_Recurrence Obtain a recurrence object. Note this returns a Horde_Date_Recurrence object, not Horde_ActiveSync_Message_Recurrence.
getReminder ( ) : integer | boolean Get the reminder time.
getResponseType ( ) : integer Get response type
getSensitivity ( ) : integer Return the sensitivity setting for this appointment
getServerUID ( ) : string Obtain the server UID. See note above.
getSubject ( ) : string Get the subject
getTimezone ( ) : string Get the event's timezone
getUid ( ) : string Get the client's UID. See not above regarding server UIDs.
isGhosted ( string $property ) : boolean Override parent class' method. In EAS 16.0, top level appointment properties are ALWAYS ghosted if they are not explicitly sent.
setBody ( string $body ) Set the appointment's body
setBusyStatus ( integer $busy ) Sets the busy status for this appointment
setDTStamp ( $date ) Set the appointment's modify timestamp
setDatetime ( array $datetime = [] ) Set the appointment time/duration.
setLocation ( string $location ) Set appointment location field.
setMeetingStatus ( integer $status ) Set the status for this appointment. Should be one of: none, meeting, received, canceled, canceledreceived.
setOrganizer ( array $organizer ) Set the organizer name and/or email
setRecurrence ( Horde_Date_Recurrence $recurrence, integer $fdow = null ) Set recurrence information for this appointment
setReminder ( integer $minutes ) Set reminder for this appointment.
setResponseType ( integer $response ) Set user response type. Should be one of: none, organizer, tentative, accepted, declined
setSensitivity ( integer $sensitivity ) Set the sensitivity level for this appointment.
setServerUID ( string $uid ) Because the client doesn't pass the server uid as part of the message, we need to add it manually so the backend can have access to it when changing this object.
setSubject ( string $subject ) Set the appointment subject field.
setTimezone ( mixed $date ) Set the timezone
setUid ( string $uid ) Set the appointment uid. Note that this is the client's UID value, and not the value that the server normally uses for the UID. ActiveSync messages do not normally include any server uid value as part of the message directly. This causes issues with meeting requests since most clients will use the CLIENT_ENTRY_ID for this value, and will send the invitation email out using this value as the UID so we sort-of HAVE to use this value as the server's UID.

Méthodes protégées

Méthode Description
_preEncodeValidation ( ) : boolean Give concrete classes the chance to enforce rules before encoding messages to send to the client.
_validateDecodedValues ( ) : boolean Give concrete classes the chance to enforce rules on property values.

Method Details

__construct() public méthode

See also: Horde_ActiveSync_Message_Base::__construct()
public __construct ( array $options = [] )
$options array

_preEncodeValidation() protected méthode

Give concrete classes the chance to enforce rules before encoding messages to send to the client.
Since: 2.31.0
protected _preEncodeValidation ( ) : boolean
Résultat boolean True if values were valid (or could be made valid). False if values are unable to be validated.

_validateDecodedValues() protected méthode

Give concrete classes the chance to enforce rules on property values.
protected _validateDecodedValues ( ) : boolean
Résultat boolean True on success, otherwise false.

addAttachment() public méthode

public addAttachment ( Horde_ActiveSync_Message_AirSyncBaseAttachment $atc )
$atc Horde_ActiveSync_Message_AirSyncBaseAttachment

addAttendee() public méthode

Add an attendee to this appointment
public addAttendee ( array $attendee )
$attendee array 'name', 'email' for each attendee

addCategory() public méthode

Add a category to the appointment
public addCategory ( string $category )
$category string

addException() public méthode

Add a recurrence exception
public addException ( Horde_ActiveSync_Message_Exception $exception )
$exception Horde_ActiveSync_Message_Exception

getAttendees() public méthode

Get a list of this event's attendees
public getAttendees ( ) : array
Résultat array An array of 'name' and 'email' hashes

getBody() public méthode

Get the appointment's body
public getBody ( ) : string
Résultat string UTF-8 encoded string

getBusyStatus() public méthode

Return the busy status for this appointment.
public getBusyStatus ( ) : integer
Résultat integer The BUSYSTATUS constant

getCategories() public méthode

Return this appointments tags/categories.
public getCategories ( ) : array
Résultat array

getClass() public méthode

Return the collection class name the object is for.
public getClass ( ) : string
Résultat string

getDTStamp() public méthode

Get the appointment's dtimestamp
public getDTStamp ( ) : Horde_Date
Résultat Horde_Date The timestamp.

getDatetime() public méthode

Get the appointment's time data
public getDatetime ( ) : array
Résultat array An array containing: - start: (Horde_Date) The start time. - end: (Horde_Date) The end time. - allday: (boolean) If true, this is an allday event. @deprecated

getExceptions() public méthode

Return the exceptions for this appointment.
public getExceptions ( ) : array
Résultat array An array of Horde_ActiveSync_Message_Exception objects

getLocation() public méthode

Get the location field
public getLocation ( ) : string
Résultat string

getMeetingStatus() public méthode

Return the meeting status for this meeting.
public getMeetingStatus ( ) : integer
Résultat integer A MEETING_* constant

getOrganizer() public méthode

Get the details for the appointment organizer
public getOrganizer ( ) : array
Résultat array with 'name' and 'email' values

getRecurrence() public méthode

Obtain a recurrence object. Note this returns a Horde_Date_Recurrence object, not Horde_ActiveSync_Message_Recurrence.
public getRecurrence ( ) : Horde_Date_Recurrence
Résultat Horde_Date_Recurrence

getReminder() public méthode

Get the reminder time.
public getReminder ( ) : integer | boolean
Résultat integer | boolean Number of minutes before appointment for notifications or false if not set.

getResponseType() public méthode

Get response type
public getResponseType ( ) : integer
Résultat integer The responsetype constant

getSensitivity() public méthode

Return the sensitivity setting for this appointment
public getSensitivity ( ) : integer
Résultat integer The SENSITIVITY constant

getServerUID() public méthode

Obtain the server UID. See note above.
public getServerUID ( ) : string
Résultat string

getSubject() public méthode

Get the subject
Deprecation: Retrieve the value directly. I.e., $message->subject
public getSubject ( ) : string
Résultat string The UTF-8 subject string

getTimezone() public méthode

Get the event's timezone
public getTimezone ( ) : string
Résultat string The timezone identifier

getUid() public méthode

Get the client's UID. See not above regarding server UIDs.
public getUid ( ) : string
Résultat string

isGhosted() public méthode

Override parent class' method. In EAS 16.0, top level appointment properties are ALWAYS ghosted if they are not explicitly sent.
public isGhosted ( string $property ) : boolean
$property string The property to check
Résultat boolean

setBody() public méthode

Set the appointment's body
public setBody ( string $body )
$body string UTF-8 encoded string

setBusyStatus() public méthode

Sets the busy status for this appointment
public setBusyStatus ( integer $busy )
$busy integer The BUSYSTATUS constant

setDTStamp() public méthode

Set the appointment's modify timestamp
public setDTStamp ( $date )

setDatetime() public méthode

Set the appointment time/duration.
Deprecation: Set individual properties manually from calling code.
public setDatetime ( array $datetime = [] )
$datetime array An array containing: - start: (Horde_Date) The start time. - end: (Horde_Date) The end time. If omitted, must include duration or allday. - duration: (integer) The event duration in seconds. - allday: (boolean) If true, this is an allday event.

setLocation() public méthode

Set appointment location field.
public setLocation ( string $location )
$location string

setMeetingStatus() public méthode

Set the status for this appointment. Should be one of: none, meeting, received, canceled, canceledreceived.
public setMeetingStatus ( integer $status )
$status integer A MEETING_* constant

setOrganizer() public méthode

Set the organizer name and/or email
public setOrganizer ( array $organizer )
$organizer array

setRecurrence() public méthode

Set recurrence information for this appointment
public setRecurrence ( Horde_Date_Recurrence $recurrence, integer $fdow = null )
$recurrence Horde_Date_Recurrence The recurrence data.
$fdow integer The first day of the week. (A Horde_ActiveSync_Message_Recurrence:: constant). @since 2.4.0

setReminder() public méthode

Set reminder for this appointment.
public setReminder ( integer $minutes )
$minutes integer The number of minutes before appintment to trigger a reminder.

setResponseType() public méthode

Set user response type. Should be one of: none, organizer, tentative, accepted, declined
public setResponseType ( integer $response )
$response integer The response type constant

setSensitivity() public méthode

Should be one of: normal, personal, private, confidential
public setSensitivity ( integer $sensitivity )
$sensitivity integer The SENSITIVITY constant

setServerUID() public méthode

Because the client doesn't pass the server uid as part of the message, we need to add it manually so the backend can have access to it when changing this object.
public setServerUID ( string $uid )
$uid string The server UID

setSubject() public méthode

Set the appointment subject field.
Deprecation: Set the property directly. I.e. $message->subject = 'Test'
public setSubject ( string $subject )
$subject string A UTF-8 string

setTimezone() public méthode

Set the timezone
public setTimezone ( mixed $date )
$date mixed Either a Horde_Date or timezone descriptor such as America/New_York etc...

setUid() public méthode

Set the appointment uid. Note that this is the client's UID value, and not the value that the server normally uses for the UID. ActiveSync messages do not normally include any server uid value as part of the message directly. This causes issues with meeting requests since most clients will use the CLIENT_ENTRY_ID for this value, and will send the invitation email out using this value as the UID so we sort-of HAVE to use this value as the server's UID.
public setUid ( string $uid )
$uid string The server's uid for this appointment

Property Details

$_dayOfWeekMap protected_oe property

DOW mapping for DATE to MASK
protected array $_dayOfWeekMap
Résultat array

$_mapping protected_oe property

Property mapping.
protected array $_mapping
Résultat array

$_properties protected_oe property

Property values.
protected array $_properties
Résultat array