PHP Class Horde_Data_Csv, horde

Copyright 1999-2016 Horde LLC ( See the enclosed file COPYING for license information (LGPL). If you did not receive this file, see
Author: Jan Schneider ([email protected])
Author: Chuck Hagenbuch ([email protected])
Inheritance: extends Horde_Data_Base
Afficher le fichier Open project: horde/horde Class Usage Examples

Protected Properties

Свойство Type Description
$_contentType string MIME content type.
$_extension string File extension.

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
exportData ( array $data, boolean $header = false, $export_mapping = [] ) : string Builds a CSV file from a given data structure and returns it as a string.
exportFile ( string $filename, array $data, boolean $header = false, $export_mapping = [] ) Builds a CSV file from a given data structure and triggers its download. It DOES NOT exit the current script but only outputs the correct headers and data.
getCsv ( resource $file, array $params = [] ) : array | boolean Wrapper around fgetcsv().
importFile ( string $filename, boolean $header = false, string $sep = ',', string $quote = '', integer $fields = null, $import_mapping = [], string $charset = null, string $crlf = null ) : array Imports and parses a CSV file.
nextStep ( integer $action, array $param = [] ) : mixed Takes all necessary actions for the given import step, parameters and form values and returns the next necessary step.

Method Details

exportData() public méthode

Builds a CSV file from a given data structure and returns it as a string.
public exportData ( array $data, boolean $header = false, $export_mapping = [] ) : string
$data array A two-dimensional array containing the data set.
$header boolean If true, the rows of $data are associative arrays with field names as their keys.
Résultat string The CSV data.

exportFile() public méthode

Builds a CSV file from a given data structure and triggers its download. It DOES NOT exit the current script but only outputs the correct headers and data.
public exportFile ( string $filename, array $data, boolean $header = false, $export_mapping = [] )
$filename string The name of the file to be downloaded.
$data array A two-dimensional array containing the data set.
$header boolean If true, the rows of $data are associative arrays with field names as their keys.

getCsv() public static méthode

Empty lines will be skipped. If the 'length' parameter is provided, all rows are filled up with empty strings up to this length, or stripped down to this length.
public static getCsv ( resource $file, array $params = [] ) : array | boolean
$file resource A file pointer.
$params array Optional parameters. Possible values: - escape: The escape character. - length: The expected number of fields. - quote: The quote character. - separator: The field delimiter.
Résultat array | boolean A row from the CSV file or false on error or end of file.

importFile() public méthode

Imports and parses a CSV file.
public importFile ( string $filename, boolean $header = false, string $sep = ',', string $quote = '', integer $fields = null, $import_mapping = [], string $charset = null, string $crlf = null ) : array
$filename string The name of the file to parse.
$header boolean Does the first line contain the field/column names?
$sep string The field/column separator.
$quote string The quoting character.
$fields integer The number or fields/columns.
$charset string The file's charset.
$crlf string The file's linefeed characters.
Résultat array A two-dimensional array of all imported data rows. If $header was true the rows are associative arrays with the field/column names as the keys.

nextStep() public méthode

Takes all necessary actions for the given import step, parameters and form values and returns the next necessary step.
public nextStep ( integer $action, array $param = [] ) : mixed
$action integer The current step. One of the IMPORT_* constants.
$param array An associative array containing needed parameters for the current step. Keys for this driver: - check_charset: (boolean) Do some checks to see if the correct charset has been provided. Throws charset exception on error. - import_mapping: TODO
Résultat mixed Either the next step as an integer constant or imported data set after the final step.

Property Details

$_contentType protected_oe property

MIME content type.
protected string $_contentType
Résultat string

$_extension protected_oe property

File extension.
protected string $_extension
Résultat string