PHP Class Horde_Image_Exif_Parser_Canon, horde

See also:
Author: Jake Olefsky ([email protected])
Author: Michael J. Rubinsky ([email protected])
Author: Jan Schneider ([email protected])
Inheritance: extends Horde_Image_Exif_Parser_Base
Afficher le fichier Open project: horde/horde

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
parse ( $block, &$result, $seek, $globalOffset ) Canon Special data section.

Méthodes protégées

Méthode Description
_formatData ( $type, $tag, $intel, $data, $exif, &$result ) Formats Data for the data type
_lookupTag ( $tag ) Looks up the name of the tag for the MakerNote (Depends on Manufacturer)

Method Details

_formatData() protected méthode

Formats Data for the data type
protected _formatData ( $type, $tag, $intel, $data, $exif, &$result )

_lookupTag() protected méthode

Looks up the name of the tag for the MakerNote (Depends on Manufacturer)
protected _lookupTag ( $tag )

parse() public méthode

Canon Special data section.
See also:
See also:
See also:
public parse ( $block, &$result, $seek, $globalOffset )