PHP Class Horde_Kolab_Storage_Data_Decorator_Log, horde

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Inheritance: implements Horde_Kolab_Storage_Data, implements Horde_Kolab_Storage_Data_Query
Afficher le fichier Open project: horde/horde Class Usage Examples

Protected Properties

Свойство Type Description
$_logger mixed A log handler.

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
__call ( $method, $args )
__construct ( Horde_Kolab_Storage_Data $data, mixed $logger ) Constructor.
create ( &$object, boolean $raw = false ) : string Create a new object.
delete ( array | string $object_ids ) : null Delete the specified objects from this data set.
deleteAll ( ) : null Delete all objects from this data set.
deleteBackendIds ( array | string $uids ) : null Delete the specified messages from this folder.
fetch ( array $uids ) : array Retrieves the objects for the given UIDs.
fetchComplete ( string $uid ) : array Retrieves the complete message for the given UID.
getAttachment ( string $object_id, string $attachment_id ) : resource Returns the specified attachment.
getAuth ( ) : string Return the ID of the current user.
getBackendId ( $object_id ) : string Return the backend ID for the given object ID.
getDuplicates ( ) : array Retrieve the list of object duplicates.
getErrors ( ) : array Retrieve the list of object errors.
getId ( ) : string Return the ID of this data handler.
getIdParameters ( ) : array Return the ID parameters for this data handler.
getObject ( string $object_id ) : array Return the specified object.
getObjectByBackendId ( string $uid ) : array Retrieve an object in the current folder by backend id.
getObjectIds ( ) : array Retrieve all object ids in the current folder.
getObjectToBackend ( ) : array Return the mapping of object IDs to backend IDs.
getObjects ( ) : array Retrieve all objects in the current folder.
getObjectsByBackendId ( ) : array Retrieve all objects in the current folder by backend id.
getPath ( ) : string Return the folder path for this data handler.
getQuery ( string $name = null ) : Horde_Kolab_Storage_Query Return a registered query.
getStamp ( Horde_Kolab_Storage_Folder_Stamp $previous = null ) : Horde_Kolab_Storage_Folder_Stamp Report the status of this folder.
getType ( ) : string Return the data type represented by this object.
getVersion ( ) : string Return the data version.
modify ( array $object, boolean $raw = false ) Modify an existing object.
move ( string $object_id, string $new_folder ) : null Move the specified message from the current folder into a new folder.
objectIdExists ( string $object_id ) : boolean Check if the given object ID exists.
registerQuery ( string $name, Horde_Kolab_Storage_Query $query ) : null Register a query to be updated if the underlying data changes.
setLogger ( Horde_Log_Logger $logger ) Set the logger for this object.
synchronize ( $params = [] ) : null Synchronize the list information with the information from the backend.

Method Details

__call() public méthode

public __call ( $method, $args )

__construct() public méthode

public __construct ( Horde_Kolab_Storage_Data $data, mixed $logger )
$data Horde_Kolab_Storage_Data The original data handler.
$logger mixed The log handler. This instance must provide the debug() and debug() methods.

create() public méthode

Create a new object.
public create ( &$object, boolean $raw = false ) : string
$raw boolean True if the data to be stored has been provided in raw format.
Résultat string The ID of the new object or true in case the backend does not support this return value.

delete() public méthode

Delete the specified objects from this data set.
public delete ( array | string $object_ids ) : null
$object_ids array | string Id(s) of the object to be deleted.
Résultat null

deleteAll() public méthode

Delete all objects from this data set.
public deleteAll ( ) : null
Résultat null

deleteBackendIds() public méthode

Delete the specified messages from this folder.
public deleteBackendIds ( array | string $uids ) : null
$uids array | string Backend id(s) of the message to be deleted.
Résultat null

fetch() public méthode

Retrieves the objects for the given UIDs.
public fetch ( array $uids ) : array
$uids array The message UIDs.
Résultat array An array of objects.

fetchComplete() public méthode

Retrieves the complete message for the given UID.
public fetchComplete ( string $uid ) : array
$uid string The message UID.
Résultat array The message encapsuled as an array that contains a Horde_Mime_Headers and a Horde_Mime_Part object.

getAttachment() public méthode

Returns the specified attachment.
public getAttachment ( string $object_id, string $attachment_id ) : resource
$object_id string The object id. @since Kolab_Storage 2.1.0
$attachment_id string The attachment id.
Résultat resource An open stream to the attachment data.

getAuth() public méthode

Return the ID of the current user.
public getAuth ( ) : string
Résultat string The current user.

getBackendId() public méthode

Return the backend ID for the given object ID.
public getBackendId ( $object_id ) : string
Résultat string The backend ID for the object.

getDuplicates() public méthode

Retrieve the list of object duplicates.
public getDuplicates ( ) : array
Résultat array The list of duplicates.

getErrors() public méthode

Retrieve the list of object errors.
public getErrors ( ) : array
Résultat array The list of errors.

getId() public méthode

Return the ID of this data handler.
public getId ( ) : string
Résultat string The ID.

getIdParameters() public méthode

Return the ID parameters for this data handler.
public getIdParameters ( ) : array
Résultat array The ID parameters.

getObject() public méthode

Return the specified object.
public getObject ( string $object_id ) : array
$object_id string The object id.
Résultat array The object data as an array.

getObjectByBackendId() public méthode

Retrieve an object in the current folder by backend id.
public getObjectByBackendId ( string $uid ) : array
$uid string Backend id of the object to be returned.
Résultat array An array of all objects.

getObjectIds() public méthode

Retrieve all object ids in the current folder.
public getObjectIds ( ) : array
Résultat array The object ids.

getObjectToBackend() public méthode

Return the mapping of object IDs to backend IDs.
public getObjectToBackend ( ) : array
Résultat array The object to backend mapping.

getObjects() public méthode

Retrieve all objects in the current folder.
public getObjects ( ) : array
Résultat array An array of all objects.

getObjectsByBackendId() public méthode

Retrieve all objects in the current folder by backend id.
public getObjectsByBackendId ( ) : array
Résultat array An array of all objects.

getPath() public méthode

Return the folder path for this data handler.
public getPath ( ) : string
Résultat string The folder path.

getQuery() public méthode

Return a registered query.
public getQuery ( string $name = null ) : Horde_Kolab_Storage_Query
$name string The query name.
Résultat Horde_Kolab_Storage_Query The requested query.

getStamp() public méthode

Report the status of this folder.
public getStamp ( Horde_Kolab_Storage_Folder_Stamp $previous = null ) : Horde_Kolab_Storage_Folder_Stamp
$previous Horde_Kolab_Storage_Folder_Stamp The previous stamp, if available.
Résultat Horde_Kolab_Storage_Folder_Stamp The stamp that can be used for detecting folder changes.

getType() public méthode

Return the data type represented by this object.
public getType ( ) : string
Résultat string The type of data this instance handles.

getVersion() public méthode

Return the data version.
public getVersion ( ) : string
Résultat string The data version.

modify() public méthode

Modify an existing object.
public modify ( array $object, boolean $raw = false )
$object array The array that holds the updated object data.
$raw boolean True if the data to be stored has been provided in raw format.

move() public méthode

Move the specified message from the current folder into a new folder.
public move ( string $object_id, string $new_folder ) : null
$object_id string ID of the message to be moved.
$new_folder string Target folder.
Résultat null

objectIdExists() public méthode

Check if the given object ID exists.
public objectIdExists ( string $object_id ) : boolean
$object_id string The object ID.
Résultat boolean True if the ID was found, false otherwise.

registerQuery() public méthode

Register a query to be updated if the underlying data changes.
public registerQuery ( string $name, Horde_Kolab_Storage_Query $query ) : null
$name string The query name.
$query Horde_Kolab_Storage_Query The query to register.
Résultat null

setLogger() public méthode

Set the logger for this object.
public setLogger ( Horde_Log_Logger $logger )
$logger Horde_Log_Logger The logger.

synchronize() public méthode

Synchronize the list information with the information from the backend.
See also: Horde_Kolab_Storage_Query
public synchronize ( $params = [] ) : null
Résultat null

Property Details

$_logger protected_oe property

A log handler.
protected mixed $_logger
Résultat mixed