PHP Class Horde_Xml_Wbxml_Encoder, horde

Copyright 2003-2016 Horde LLC ( See the enclosed file COPYING for license information (LGPL). If you did not receive this file, see
Author: Anthony Mills ([email protected])
Inheritance: extends Horde_Xml_Wbxml_ContentHandler
Afficher le fichier Open project: horde/horde

Protected Properties

Свойство Type Description
$_dtdManager Horde_Xml_Wbxml_DtdManager The DTD Manager.
$_parser resource The XML parser.

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
Horde_Xml_Wbxml_Encoder ( ) Constructor.
changecodepage ( $uri )
characters ( $chars )
encode ( $xml ) Take the input $xml and turn it into WBXML. This is _not_ the intended way of using this class. It is derived from Contenthandler and one should use it as a ContentHandler and produce the XML-structure with startElement(), endElement(), and characters().
endElement ( $uri, $name )
getOutput ( ) Getter for property output.
getOutputSize ( )
opaque ( $o )
startElement ( $uri, $name, $attributes = [] )
writeAttribute ( $name, $value, $cs )
writeAttributes ( $attrs, $cs )
writeCharset ( $charset )
writeDocumentPublicIdentifier ( $dpiString, &$strings )
writeHeader ( $uri ) This will write the correct headers.
writeNull ( $charset )
writeString ( $str, $cs )
writeStringTable ( $strings, $charset, $stringTable )
writeTag ( $name, $attrs, $hasContent, $cs )
writeVersionNumber ( $version )

Méthodes protégées

Méthode Description
_addNullByte ( &$bytes )
_characters ( $parser, $chars )
_endElement ( $parser, $tag )
_getBytes ( $string, $cs )
_splitURI ( $tag )
_startElement ( $parser, $tag, $attributes )

Method Details

Horde_Xml_Wbxml_Encoder() public méthode


_addNullByte() protected méthode

protected _addNullByte ( &$bytes )

_characters() protected méthode

protected _characters ( $parser, $chars )

_endElement() protected méthode

protected _endElement ( $parser, $tag )

_getBytes() protected méthode

protected _getBytes ( $string, $cs )

_splitURI() protected méthode

protected _splitURI ( $tag )

_startElement() protected méthode

protected _startElement ( $parser, $tag, $attributes )

changecodepage() public méthode

public changecodepage ( $uri )

characters() public méthode

public characters ( $chars )

encode() public méthode

Take the input $xml and turn it into WBXML. This is _not_ the intended way of using this class. It is derived from Contenthandler and one should use it as a ContentHandler and produce the XML-structure with startElement(), endElement(), and characters().
public encode ( $xml )

endElement() public méthode

public endElement ( $uri, $name )

getOutput() public méthode

Getter for property output.
public getOutput ( )

getOutputSize() public méthode

public getOutputSize ( )

opaque() public méthode

public opaque ( $o )

startElement() public méthode

public startElement ( $uri, $name, $attributes = [] )

writeAttribute() public méthode

public writeAttribute ( $name, $value, $cs )

writeAttributes() public méthode

public writeAttributes ( $attrs, $cs )

writeCharset() public méthode

public writeCharset ( $charset )

writeDocumentPublicIdentifier() public méthode

public writeDocumentPublicIdentifier ( $dpiString, &$strings )

writeHeader() public méthode

This will write the correct headers.
public writeHeader ( $uri )

writeNull() public méthode

public writeNull ( $charset )

writeString() public méthode

public writeString ( $str, $cs )

writeStringTable() public méthode

public writeStringTable ( $strings, $charset, $stringTable )

writeTag() public méthode

public writeTag ( $name, $attrs, $hasContent, $cs )

writeVersionNumber() public méthode

public writeVersionNumber ( $version )

Property Details

$_currentURI protected_oe property

protected $_currentURI

$_dtd protected_oe property

protected $_dtd

$_dtdManager protected_oe property

The DTD Manager.
protected Horde_Xml_Wbxml_DtdManager $_dtdManager
Résultat Horde_Xml_Wbxml_DtdManager

$_hasWrittenHeader protected_oe property

protected $_hasWrittenHeader

$_output protected_oe property

protected $_output

$_parser protected_oe property

The XML parser.
protected resource $_parser
Résultat resource

$_stringTable protected_oe property

protected $_stringTable

$_strings protected_oe property

protected $_strings

$_subParser protected_oe property

protected $_subParser

$_subParserStack protected_oe property

protected $_subParserStack

$_uriNums protected_oe property

protected $_uriNums

$_uris protected_oe property

protected $_uris