PHP Class IMP_Application, horde

This file defines Horde's core API interface. Other core Horde libraries can interact with IMP through this API.
Author: Michael Slusarz ([email protected])
Inheritance: extends Horde_Registry_Application
Afficher le fichier Open project: horde/horde

Méthodes publiques

Свойство Type Description

Protected Properties

Свойство Type Description
$_oldserver string Server key used in logged out session.

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
appInitFailure ( $e )
authAddUser ( $userId, array $credentials )
authAuthenticate ( $userId, array $credentials )
authLoginParams ( )
authRemoveUser ( $userId )
authTransparent ( $auth_ob )
authUserList ( )
changeLanguage ( )
download ( Horde_Variables $vars ) URL parameters: - actionID
exceptionHandler ( $e )
getInitialPage ( )
hasPermission ( $permission, $allowed, $opts = [] )
logout ( )
nosqlDrivers ( )
perms ( )
setupNotification ( Horde_Notification_Handler $handler ) Modifies the global notification handler.
topbarCreate ( Horde_Tree_Renderer_Base $tree, $parent = null, array $params = [] )

Méthodes protégées

Méthode Description
_authenticated ( )
_bootstrap ( )

Method Details

_authenticated() protected méthode

protected _authenticated ( )

_bootstrap() protected méthode

protected _bootstrap ( )

appInitFailure() public méthode

public appInitFailure ( $e )

authAddUser() public méthode

public authAddUser ( $userId, array $credentials )
$credentials array An array of login credentials. For IMP, this must contain a password entry.

authAuthenticate() public méthode

public authAuthenticate ( $userId, array $credentials )
$credentials array Credentials of the user. Allowed keys: 'imp_server_key', 'password'.

authLoginParams() public méthode

public authLoginParams ( )

authRemoveUser() public méthode

public authRemoveUser ( $userId )

authTransparent() public méthode

public authTransparent ( $auth_ob )

authUserList() public méthode

public authUserList ( )

changeLanguage() public méthode

public changeLanguage ( )

download() public méthode

URL parameters: - actionID
public download ( Horde_Variables $vars )
$vars Horde_Variables

exceptionHandler() public méthode

public exceptionHandler ( $e )

getInitialPage() public méthode

public getInitialPage ( )

hasPermission() public méthode

public hasPermission ( $permission, $allowed, $opts = [] )

logout() public méthode

public logout ( )

nosqlDrivers() public méthode

public nosqlDrivers ( )

perms() public méthode

public perms ( )

setupNotification() public méthode

Modifies the global notification handler.
public setupNotification ( Horde_Notification_Handler $handler )
$handler Horde_Notification_Handler A notification handler.

topbarCreate() public méthode

public topbarCreate ( Horde_Tree_Renderer_Base $tree, $parent = null, array $params = [] )
$tree Horde_Tree_Renderer_Base
$params array

Property Details

$_oldserver protected_oe property

Server key used in logged out session.
protected string $_oldserver
Résultat string

$auth public_oe property

public $auth

$features public_oe property

public $features

$version public_oe property

public $version