PHP Class Ingo_Script_Imap, horde

Author: Michael Slusarz ([email protected])
Author: Jan Schneider ([email protected])
Inheritance: extends Ingo_Script_Base
Afficher le fichier Open project: horde/horde

Protected Properties

Свойство Type Description
$_actions array The list of actions allowed (implemented) for this driver.
$_categories array The categories of filtering allowed.
$_features array A list of driver features.
$_tests array The list of tests allowed (implemented) for this driver.
$_types array The types of tests allowed (implemented) for this driver.

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
canPerform ( ) : boolean Is the perform() function available?

Méthodes protégées

Méthode Description
_getQuery ( ) : Ingo_IMAP_Search_Query Returns a query object prepared for adding further criteria.
_perform ( integer $change ) Performs the filtering specified in the rules.

Method Details

_getQuery() protected méthode

Returns a query object prepared for adding further criteria.
protected _getQuery ( ) : Ingo_IMAP_Search_Query
Résultat Ingo_IMAP_Search_Query A query object.

_perform() protected méthode

Performs the filtering specified in the rules.
protected _perform ( integer $change )
$change integer The timestamp of the latest rule change during the current session.

canPerform() public méthode

Is the perform() function available?
public canPerform ( ) : boolean
Résultat boolean True if perform() is available, false if not.

Property Details

$_actions protected_oe property

The list of actions allowed (implemented) for this driver.
protected array $_actions
Résultat array

$_categories protected_oe property

The categories of filtering allowed.
protected array $_categories
Résultat array

$_features protected_oe property

A list of driver features.
protected array $_features
Résultat array

$_tests protected_oe property

The list of tests allowed (implemented) for this driver.
protected array $_tests
Résultat array

$_types protected_oe property

The types of tests allowed (implemented) for this driver.
protected array $_types
Résultat array