PHP Class IssueGalleyDAO, ojs

Inheritance: extends DAO
Afficher le fichier Open project: pkp/ojs

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
__construct ( ) Constructor.
_fromRow ( $row ) : IssueGalley Internal function to return an IssueGalley object from a row.
deleteById ( $galleyId, $issueId = null ) Delete a galley by ID.
deleteByIssueId ( $issueId ) Delete galleys by issue.
deleteObject ( $galley ) Delete an IssueGalley.
getAdditionalFieldNames ( ) : array Get a list of additional fields that do not have dedicated accessors.
getByBestId ( $galleyId, $issueId ) : ArticleGalley Retrieve issue galley by public galley id or, failing that, internal galley ID; public galley ID takes precedence.
getById ( $galleyId, $issueId = null ) : IssueGalley Retrieve a galley by ID.
getByIssueId ( $issueId ) : array Retrieve all galleys for an issue.
getByPubId ( $pubIdType, $pubId, $issueId ) : IssueGalley Retrieve a galley by ID.
getInsertId ( ) : integer Get the ID of the last inserted gallery.
getLocaleFieldNames ( ) : array Get the list of fields for which data is localized.
getNextGalleySequence ( $issueId ) : integer Get the the next sequence number for an issue's galleys (i.e., current max + 1).
insertObject ( $galley ) Insert a new IssueGalley.
newDataObject ( ) : IssueGalley Construct a new issue galley.
pubIdExists ( $pubIdType, $pubId, $galleyId, $journalId ) : boolean Checks if public identifier exists (other than for the specified galley ID, which is treated as an exception).
resequence ( $issueId ) Sequentially renumber galleys for an issue in their sequence order.
updateLocaleFields ( $galley ) Update the localized fields for this galley.
updateObject ( $galley ) Update an existing IssueGalley.

Method Details

__construct() public méthode

public __construct ( )

_fromRow() public méthode

Internal function to return an IssueGalley object from a row.
public _fromRow ( $row ) : IssueGalley
$row array
Résultat IssueGalley

deleteById() public méthode

Delete a galley by ID.
public deleteById ( $galleyId, $issueId = null )
$galleyId int
$issueId int optional

deleteByIssueId() public méthode

NOTE that this will not delete issue_file entities or the respective files.
public deleteByIssueId ( $issueId )
$issueId int

deleteObject() public méthode

Delete an IssueGalley.
public deleteObject ( $galley )
$galley IssueGalley

getAdditionalFieldNames() public méthode

Get a list of additional fields that do not have dedicated accessors.
public getAdditionalFieldNames ( ) : array
Résultat array

getByBestId() public méthode

Retrieve issue galley by public galley id or, failing that, internal galley ID; public galley ID takes precedence.
public getByBestId ( $galleyId, $issueId ) : ArticleGalley
$galleyId string
$issueId int
Résultat ArticleGalley object

getById() public méthode

Retrieve a galley by ID.
public getById ( $galleyId, $issueId = null ) : IssueGalley
$galleyId int
$issueId int optional
Résultat IssueGalley

getByIssueId() public méthode

Retrieve all galleys for an issue.
public getByIssueId ( $issueId ) : array
$issueId int
Résultat array IssueGalleys

getByPubId() public méthode

Retrieve a galley by ID.
public getByPubId ( $pubIdType, $pubId, $issueId ) : IssueGalley
$pubIdType string One of the NLM pub-id-type values or 'other::something' if not part of the official NLM list (see ).
$pubId string
$issueId int
Résultat IssueGalley

getInsertId() public méthode

Get the ID of the last inserted gallery.
public getInsertId ( ) : integer
Résultat integer

getLocaleFieldNames() public méthode

Get the list of fields for which data is localized.
public getLocaleFieldNames ( ) : array
Résultat array

getNextGalleySequence() public méthode

Get the the next sequence number for an issue's galleys (i.e., current max + 1).
public getNextGalleySequence ( $issueId ) : integer
$issueId int
Résultat integer

insertObject() public méthode

Insert a new IssueGalley.
public insertObject ( $galley )
$galley IssueGalley

newDataObject() public méthode

Construct a new issue galley.
public newDataObject ( ) : IssueGalley
Résultat IssueGalley

pubIdExists() public méthode

Checks if public identifier exists (other than for the specified galley ID, which is treated as an exception).
public pubIdExists ( $pubIdType, $pubId, $galleyId, $journalId ) : boolean
$pubIdType string One of the NLM pub-id-type values or 'other::something' if not part of the official NLM list (see ).
$pubId string
$galleyId int An ID to be excluded from the search.
$journalId int
Résultat boolean

resequence() public méthode

Sequentially renumber galleys for an issue in their sequence order.
public resequence ( $issueId )
$issueId int

updateLocaleFields() public méthode

Update the localized fields for this galley.
public updateLocaleFields ( $galley )

updateObject() public méthode

Update an existing IssueGalley.
public updateObject ( $galley )
$galley IssueGalley