PHP Class OphCoMessaging

Inheritance: extends OpenEyesPage
Afficher le fichier Open project: openeyes/openeyes

Protected Properties

Свойство Type Description

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
addNewEvent ( $subspecialty, string $event_name = 'Message' ) Create a new event of the given name.
checkDisplayFaoIs ( $fao )
checkDisplayMessageIs ( $message )
checkDisplayTypeIs ( $type )
checkForLinkToUrl ( $url )
checkHaveMessagesInDashboard ( )
checkNoUserSearchAvailable ( )
clickEditLink ( )
enterMessage ( $message )
expandSubspecialty ( $subspecialty ) more pragramatic approach to expanding sidebar, which should be in core.
getBaseUrl ( ) : mixed This might be hideously brittle, but it will get the job done for now.
getCurrentUrl ( boolean $remove_base = true ) : mixed | string
getLinkElementForUrl ( $url ) : Behat\Mink\Element\NodeElement | mixed | null
isValidationMessagePresent ( $message )
logout ( )
saveAndConfirm ( )
saveEvent ( ) This should be the same behaviour for every OE page.
selectAutoCompleteOptionByIndex ( $index ) Crude selection of the autocomplete results (searching by text value is awkward because of span highlighting for the match).
selectLatestEvent ( )
selectMessageType ( $type )
selectedUserIs ( $username )
storeBookmark ( $name )
typeIntoFAOSearch ( $search_term ) Search for a user in the FAO field.

Méthodes protégées

Méthode Description
assertEquals ( $expected, $check, $message = 'Values do not match' )
clickNewEventButton ( )
hasEventSaved ( ) : boolean

Method Details

addNewEvent() public méthode

Create a new event of the given name.
public addNewEvent ( $subspecialty, string $event_name = 'Message' )
$event_name string

assertEquals() protected méthode

protected assertEquals ( $expected, $check, $message = 'Values do not match' )

checkDisplayFaoIs() public méthode

public checkDisplayFaoIs ( $fao )

checkDisplayMessageIs() public méthode

public checkDisplayMessageIs ( $message )

checkDisplayTypeIs() public méthode

public checkDisplayTypeIs ( $type )

checkForLinkToUrl() public méthode

public checkForLinkToUrl ( $url )

checkHaveMessagesInDashboard() public méthode

checkNoUserSearchAvailable() public méthode

clickNewEventButton() protected méthode

protected clickNewEventButton ( )

enterMessage() public méthode

public enterMessage ( $message )

expandSubspecialty() public méthode

more pragramatic approach to expanding sidebar, which should be in core.
public expandSubspecialty ( $subspecialty )

getBaseUrl() public méthode

Is here to support bookmarking.
public getBaseUrl ( ) : mixed
Résultat mixed

getCurrentUrl() public méthode

public getCurrentUrl ( boolean $remove_base = true ) : mixed | string
$remove_base boolean
Résultat mixed | string

getLinkElementForUrl() public méthode

public getLinkElementForUrl ( $url ) : Behat\Mink\Element\NodeElement | mixed | null
Résultat Behat\Mink\Element\NodeElement | mixed | null

hasEventSaved() protected méthode

protected hasEventSaved ( ) : boolean
Résultat boolean

isValidationMessagePresent() public méthode

public isValidationMessagePresent ( $message )

logout() public méthode

public logout ( )

saveAndConfirm() public méthode

public saveAndConfirm ( )

saveEvent() public méthode

This should be the same behaviour for every OE page.
public saveEvent ( )

selectAutoCompleteOptionByIndex() public méthode

Crude selection of the autocomplete results (searching by text value is awkward because of span highlighting for the match).
public selectAutoCompleteOptionByIndex ( $index )

selectLatestEvent() public méthode

public selectLatestEvent ( )

selectMessageType() public méthode

public selectMessageType ( $type )

selectedUserIs() public méthode

public selectedUserIs ( $username )

storeBookmark() public méthode

public storeBookmark ( $name )

typeIntoFAOSearch() public méthode

Search for a user in the FAO field.
public typeIntoFAOSearch ( $search_term )

Property Details

$bookmarks protected_oe property

protected $bookmarks

$elements protected_oe property

protected $elements

$savedSuccessXpath protected_oe property

protected $savedSuccessXpath