PHP Class OphCoTherapyapplication_DecisionTreeNode

Each node is a question for a given assessment flow. If it's parent is null, it is the root node for the related flow. There should only be one with a null parent for each flow.
Inheritance: extends BaseActiveRecordVersioned
Afficher le fichier Open project: openeyes/openeyes Class Usage Examples

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
bestVisualAcuityForEye ( $side, $patient, $episode ) * returns the best visual acuity record for the given the $side of the given $patient
canAddChild ( ) * Can only have children for question nodes, not outcomes
canAddRule ( ) *
defaultsValidation ( $attribute ) * can only have one source for the default response for the node
getDefaultFunctions ( )
getDefaultValue ( $side, $patient, $episode ) * Works out the default value for this node, based on the provided $patient
getDefinition ( ) * Works out a full abstract definition of the node.
model ( $className = __CLASS__ ) : the Returns the static model of the specified AR class.
outcomeValidation ( $attribute ) * outcome being set implies that no other attributes should be set for the node
relations ( ) : array
requiredIfNotOutcomeValidation ( $attribute ) * if outcome is null then it implies this node should be a question node
rules ( ) : array
tableName ( ) : string

Method Details

bestVisualAcuityForEye() public méthode

* returns the best visual acuity record for the given the $side of the given $patient
public bestVisualAcuityForEye ( $side, $patient, $episode )

canAddChild() public méthode

* Can only have children for question nodes, not outcomes
public canAddChild ( )

canAddRule() public méthode

public canAddRule ( )

defaultsValidation() public méthode

* can only have one source for the default response for the node
public defaultsValidation ( $attribute )

getDefaultFunctions() public méthode

public getDefaultFunctions ( )

getDefaultValue() public méthode

* Works out the default value for this node, based on the provided $patient
public getDefaultValue ( $side, $patient, $episode )

getDefinition() public méthode

* Works out a full abstract definition of the node.
public getDefinition ( )

model() public static méthode

Returns the static model of the specified AR class.
public static model ( $className = __CLASS__ ) : the
Résultat the static model class

outcomeValidation() public méthode

* outcome being set implies that no other attributes should be set for the node
public outcomeValidation ( $attribute )

relations() public méthode

public relations ( ) : array
Résultat array relational rules.

requiredIfNotOutcomeValidation() public méthode

* if outcome is null then it implies this node should be a question node
public requiredIfNotOutcomeValidation ( $attribute )

rules() public méthode

public rules ( ) : array
Résultat array validation rules for model attributes.

tableName() public méthode

public tableName ( ) : string
Résultat string the associated database table name