PHP Class OphTrOperationbooking_Admission_Letter_Warning_Rule

The followings are the available columns in table:
Inheritance: extends BaseTree
Afficher le fichier Open project: openeyes/openeyes Class Usage Examples

Méthodes publiques

Свойство Type Description

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
applies ( $site_id, $is_child, $theatre_id, $subspecialty_id, $firm_id )
attributeLabels ( ) : array
getEmphasis_TreeText ( )
getIs_child_TreeText ( )
getRule ( $rule_type_name, $site_id, $is_child, $theatre_id, $subspecialty_id, $firm_id )
getShow_warning_TreeText ( )
getStrong_TreeText ( )
getWarning_text_TreeText ( )
model ( $className = __CLASS__ ) : the Returns the static model of the specified AR class.
parse ( $site_id, $is_child, $theatre_id, $subspecialty_id, $firm_id )
relations ( ) : array
rules ( ) : array
search ( ) : CActiveDataProvider Retrieves a list of models based on the current search/filter conditions.
tableName ( ) : string

Method Details

applies() public méthode

public applies ( $site_id, $is_child, $theatre_id, $subspecialty_id, $firm_id )

attributeLabels() public méthode

public attributeLabels ( ) : array
Résultat array customized attribute labels (name=>label)

getEmphasis_TreeText() public méthode

getIs_child_TreeText() public méthode

getRule() public static méthode

public static getRule ( $rule_type_name, $site_id, $is_child, $theatre_id, $subspecialty_id, $firm_id )

getShow_warning_TreeText() public méthode

getStrong_TreeText() public méthode

public getStrong_TreeText ( )

getWarning_text_TreeText() public méthode

model() public static méthode

Returns the static model of the specified AR class.
public static model ( $className = __CLASS__ ) : the
Résultat the static model class

parse() public méthode

public parse ( $site_id, $is_child, $theatre_id, $subspecialty_id, $firm_id )

relations() public méthode

public relations ( ) : array
Résultat array relational rules.

rules() public méthode

public rules ( ) : array
Résultat array validation rules for model attributes.

tableName() public méthode

public tableName ( ) : string
Résultat string the associated database table name

Property Details

$textFields public_oe property

public $textFields

$textFieldsDropdown public_oe property

public $textFieldsDropdown