PHP Class ReportController

Inheritance: extends BaseController
Afficher le fichier Open project: openeyes/openeyes Class Usage Examples

Méthodes publiques

Свойство Type Description

Protected Properties

Свойство Type Description

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
accessRules ( )
actionAjaxReport ( )
actionApplications ( )
actionArvoPresentation ( $startDate, $endDate )
actionCataractComplicationTotal ( )
actionDiagnoses ( )
actionGetDrugs ( )
actionIndex ( )
actionInjections ( )
actionLetters ( )
actionOperation ( )
actionPendingApplications ( )
actionPrescribedDrugs ( )
actionReportData ( )
init ( )
reportCataractOperations ( array $params ) : array Generates a cataract outcomes report.
reportOperations ( $params = [] )

Méthodes protégées

Méthode Description
appendInjectionValues ( &$record, $patient_id, $left_treatment_id = null, $right_treatment_id = null )
appendSubmissionValues ( array &$record, integer $event_id ) Appends information about the submission of the application to the $record.
array2Csv ( array $data )
getApplications ( $date_from, $date_to, $firm = null )
getDiagnosisString ( $diagnosis_id ) : string
getPatient ( $patient_id )
getTreatment ( $treatment_id )
getTreatmentString ( $treatment_id ) : string
sendCsvHeaders ( $filename )
sideCompliance ( $side, $row ) : string Get the compliance string for the given side on the data $row.

Private Methods

Méthode Description
getArvo ( $rotation )
loadReport ( ) : ReportInterface

Method Details

accessRules() public méthode

public accessRules ( )

actionAjaxReport() public méthode

public actionAjaxReport ( )

actionApplications() public méthode

public actionApplications ( )

actionArvoPresentation() public méthode

public actionArvoPresentation ( $startDate, $endDate )

actionCataractComplicationTotal() public méthode

actionDiagnoses() public méthode

public actionDiagnoses ( )

actionGetDrugs() public méthode

public actionGetDrugs ( )

actionIndex() public méthode

public actionIndex ( )

actionInjections() public méthode

public actionInjections ( )

actionLetters() public méthode

public actionLetters ( )

actionOperation() public méthode

public actionOperation ( )

actionPendingApplications() public méthode

actionPrescribedDrugs() public méthode

actionReportData() public méthode

public actionReportData ( )

appendInjectionValues() protected méthode

protected appendInjectionValues ( &$record, $patient_id, $left_treatment_id = null, $right_treatment_id = null )

appendSubmissionValues() protected méthode

Appends information about the submission of the application to the $record.
protected appendSubmissionValues ( array &$record, integer $event_id )
$record array
$event_id integer

array2Csv() protected méthode

protected array2Csv ( array $data )
$data array

getApplications() protected méthode

protected getApplications ( $date_from, $date_to, $firm = null )

getDiagnosisString() protected méthode

protected getDiagnosisString ( $diagnosis_id ) : string
Résultat string

getPatient() protected méthode

protected getPatient ( $patient_id )

getTreatment() protected méthode

protected getTreatment ( $treatment_id )

getTreatmentString() protected méthode

protected getTreatmentString ( $treatment_id ) : string
Résultat string

init() public méthode

public init ( )

reportCataractOperations() public méthode

inputs (all optional): - firm_id - surgeon_id - assistant_id - supervising_surgeon_id - date_from - date_to outputs: - number of cataracts (number) - age of patients (mean and range) - eyes (numbers and percentage for left/right) - final visual acuity (mean and range) - pc ruptures (number and percentage) - complications (number and percentage)
public reportCataractOperations ( array $params ) : array
$params array
Résultat array

reportOperations() public méthode

public reportOperations ( $params = [] )

sendCsvHeaders() protected méthode

protected sendCsvHeaders ( $filename )

sideCompliance() protected méthode

Get the compliance string for the given side on the data $row.
protected sideCompliance ( $side, $row ) : string
Résultat string

Property Details

$_diagnosis_cache protected_oe property

protected $_diagnosis_cache

$_patient_cache protected_oe property

protected $_patient_cache

$_treatment_cache protected_oe property

protected $_treatment_cache

$renderPatientPanel public_oe property

public $renderPatientPanel

$siteId public_oe property

public $siteId

$subspecialtyId public_oe property

public $subspecialtyId