PHP Class RestfulMethods

The module implements all Api methods defined by the IMethods interface. Supported Version: PHP >= 5.0
See also:
See also:
Author: Thomas Nicolai ([email protected])
Author: Lars Kirchhoff ([email protected])
Inheritance: extends ApiMethods, implements IMethods
Afficher le fichier Open project: fubralimited/php-oara

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
closeSession ( string $connectId ) : boolean Closes OAuth user session
createAdspace ( string $name, string $language, string $url, string $contact, string $description, string $adspaceType, array $scope, integer $visitors, integer $impressions, string $keywords = NULL, array $regions = [], array $categories = [], integer $checkNumber ) : object Create advertising space (signature).
createApplication ( string $name = NULL, string $version = NULL, integer $adrank, string $tags = NULL, integer $status, boolean $mediaSlotCompatible = false, boolean $inline = false, string $integrationCode = NULL, string $integrationNotes = NULL, string $description = NULL, string $terms = NULL, string $connectRole = NULL, string $connectId = NULL, string $connectStatus = NULL, string $connectUrl = NULL, string $cancelUrl = NULL, string $documentationUrl = NULL, string $companyUrl = NULL, string $developer = NULL, float $pricingShare, float $pricingSetup, float $pricingMonthly, string $pricingCurrency = NULL, string $pricingDescription = NULL, string $startDate = NULL, string $modifiedDate = NULL, string $installableTo = NULL, string $applicationType = NULL, integer $width = NULL, integer $height = NULL, string $format = NULL, string $technique = NULL, string $logoUrl = NULL, string $previewUrl = NULL ) : object Create an application
createMediaSlot ( string $name, integer $adspaceId, string $adspaceName = NULL, string $applicationId, string $applicationName = NULL, string $status = NULL, integer $width, integer $height, string $format = NULL, string $createDate = NULL, string $modifiedDate = NULL ) : object Create media slot.
createProgramApplication ( integer $programId, integer $adspaceId ) : boolean Create program application for a given adspace.
createSetting ( integer $applicationId, integer $mediaslotId = NULL, string $key, string $value, string $customValue, string $type = NULL, string $name = NULL, string $description = NULL ) : object Create setting
deleteAdspace ( integer $adspaceId ) : boolean Removes advertising space.
deleteApplication ( integer $applicationId ) : boolean Delete application.
deleteMediaSlot ( integer $mediaslotId ) : object Delete media slot.
deleteProgramApplication ( integer $programId, integer $adspaceId ) : boolean Delete program application.
deleteSetting ( integer $applicationId, string $mediaslotId, string $key ) : object Delete setting
getAdmedia ( integer $programId = NULL, string $region = NULL, string $format = NULL, string $partnerShip = NULL, string $purpose = NULL, string $admediumType = NULL, integer $categoryId = NULL, integer $adspaceId = NULL, integer $page, integer $items = 10 ) : object done
getAdmedium ( integer $admediumId, integer $adspaceId = NULL ) : object done
getAdmediumCategories ( integer $programId ) : object done
getAdspace ( integer $adspaceId ) : object Returns a single advertising spaces.
getAdspaces ( integer $page, integer $items = 10 ) : object Returns all advertising spaces.
getApplication ( integer $applicationId ) : object Get single application.
getApplications ( string $name = NULL, integer $width = NULL, integer $height = NULL, string $format = NULL, string $role = NULL, string $applicationType = NULL, integer $page, integer $items ) : object Get applications.
getBalance ( integer $currency ) : object Get account balance
getBalances ( integer $page, integer $items = 10 ) : object Get currency account balances.
getBankAccount ( integer $bankAccountId ) : object Get single back account.
getBankAccounts ( integer $page, integer $items = 10 ) : object Get back accounts.
getExclusiveIncentive ( integer $incentiveId, integer $adspaceId = NULL ) : object Get single exclusive incentive.
getIncentive ( integer $incentiveId, integer $adspaceId = NULL ) : object Get single incentive.
getLead ( integer $leadId ) : object Get single sale item.
getLeads ( string $date, string $dateType = NULL, integer $programId = NULL, integer $adspaceId = NULL, array $reviewState = NULL, integer $page, integer $items = 10 ) : object Get leads report.
getMediaSlot ( integer $mediaslotId ) : object Get media slots.
getMediaSlots ( integer $adspaceId, integer $width, integer $height, string $format = NULL, integer $page, integer $items ) : object Get media slots.
getPayment ( integer $paymentId ) : object Get a single payment item.
getPayments ( integer $page, integer $items = 10 ) : object Get payment transactions of the current zanox account.
getProduct ( string $productId, integer $adspaceId = NULL ) : object done
getProductCategories ( integer $rootCategory, boolean $includeChilds = false ) : object done
getProfile ( ) : object Return zanox user profile.
getProgram ( $program_id ) : object done
getProgramApplications ( integer $programId = NULL, integer $adspaceId = NULL, string $status = NULL, integer $page, integer $items = 10 ) : object 404 error
getProgramCategories ( ) : object done
getReportBasic ( string $fromDate, string $toDate, string $dateType = NULL, string $currency = NULL, integer $programId = NULL, integer $admediumId = NULL, integer $admediumFormat = NULL, integer $adspaceId = NULL, string $reviewState = NULL, string $groupBy = NULL ) : object Get basic sales/leads report.
getSale ( integer $saleId ) : object Get single sale item.
getSales ( string $date, string $dateType = NULL, integer $programId = NULL, integer $adspaceId = NULL, array $reviewState = NULL, integer $page, integer $items = 10 ) : object Get sales report.
getSession ( string $authToken ) : object Returns new OAuth user session
getSetting ( integer $applicationId, integer $mediaslotId = NULL, key $key ) : object Get single setting.
getSettings ( integer $applicationId, integer $mediaslotId = NULL, integer $page, integer $items ) : object Get settings.
getTrackingCategories ( integer $adspaceId, integer $programId, integer $page, integer $items = 50 ) : object Get tracking categories for ad space; if not program member, returns program's default categories NOTE: not yet implemented with REST protocol!!!!
getUiUrl ( string $connectId, string $sessionKey ) : boolean Get zanox User Interface Url
searchExclusiveIncentives ( integer $programId = NULL, integer $adspaceId = NULL, string $incentiveType = NULL, string $region = NULL, integer $page, integer $items = 10 ) : object Search for exclusive incentives.
searchIncentives ( integer $programId = NULL, integer $adspaceId = NULL, string $incentiveType = NULL, string $region = NULL, integer $page, integer $items = 10 ) : object Search for incentives.
searchProducts ( string $query, string $searchType = 'phrase', string $region = NULL, integer $categoryId = NULL, $programs = [], boolean $hasImages = true, float $minPrice, float $maxPrice = NULL, integer $adspaceId = NULL, integer $page, integer $items = 10 ) : object done
searchPrograms ( string $query = NULL, string $startDate = NULL, string $partnerShip = NULL, boolean $hasProducts = false, string $region = NULL, string $categoryId = NULL, integer $page, integer $items = 10 ) : object done
updateAdspace ( integer $adspaceId, string $name, string $language, string $url, string $contact, string $description, string $adspaceType, array $scope, integer $visitors, integer $impressions, string $keywords = NULL, array $regions = [], array $categories = [], integer $checkNumber ) : object Update advertising space.
updateApplication ( integer $applicationId, string $name = NULL, string $version = NULL, integer $adrank, string $tags = NULL, integer $status, boolean $mediaSlotCompatible = false, boolean $inline = false, string $integrationCode = NULL, string $integrationNotes = NULL, string $description = NULL, string $terms = NULL, string $connectRole = NULL, string $connectId = NULL, string $connectStatus = NULL, string $connectUrl = NULL, string $cancelUrl = NULL, string $documentationUrl = NULL, string $companyUrl = NULL, string $developer = NULL, float $pricingShare, float $pricingSetup, float $pricingMonthly, string $pricingCurrency = NULL, string $pricingDescription = NULL, string $startDate = NULL, string $modifiedDate = NULL, string $installableTo = NULL, string $applicationType = NULL, integer $width = NULL, integer $height = NULL, string $format = NULL, string $technique = NULL, string $logoUrl = NULL, string $previewUrl = NULL ) : object Update an application
updateMediaSlot ( integer $mediaslotId, string $name, integer $adspaceId, string $adspaceName = NULL, string $applicationId, string $applicationName = NULL, string $status = NULL, integer $width, integer $height, string $format = NULL, string $createDate = NULL, string $modifiedDate = NULL ) : object Update media slot.
updateProfile ( array $profileId, string $loginName, string $userName, string $firstName = NULL, string $lastName = NULL, string $email = NULL, string $country = NULL, string $street1 = NULL, string $street2 = NULL, string $city = NULL, $zipcode = NULL, string $company = NULL, string $phone = NULL, string $mobile = NULL, string $fax = NULL, boolean $isAdvertiser, boolean $isSublogin ) : boolean Update zanox user profile.
updateSetting ( integer $applicationId, integer $mediaslotId = NULL, string $key, string $value, string $customValue, string $type = NULL, string $name = NULL, string $description = NULL ) : object Update setting

Method Details

closeSession() public méthode

Closes OAuth user session
public closeSession ( string $connectId ) : boolean
$connectId string connect ID
Résultat boolean returns true on success

createAdspace() public méthode

--- Usage example: $api = ZanoxAPI::factory(PROTOCOL_XML); $name = "example"; $lang = "en"; $url = ""; $contact = "[email protected]"; $description = "example demonstrates how to use the api"; $adspaceType = "website"; $scope = "private"; $visitors = 1; $impressions = 1; $keywords = "keyword1, keyword2, keyword3"; $regions['region'] = array("DE", "US"); $categories['category'] = array('1', '2'); $result = $api->createAdspace($name, $lang, $url, $contact, $description, $adspaceType, $scope, $visitors, $impressions, $keywords, $regions, $categories); ---
public createAdspace ( string $name, string $language, string $url, string $contact, string $description, string $adspaceType, array $scope, integer $visitors, integer $impressions, string $keywords = NULL, array $regions = [], array $categories = [], integer $checkNumber ) : object
$name string adspace name
$language string language of adspace (e.g. en)
$url string url of adspace
$contact string contact address (email)
$description string description of adspace
$adspaceType string adspace typ (website, email or searchengine)
$scope array adspace scope (private or business)
$visitors integer adspace monthly visitors
$impressions integer adspace monthly page impressions
$keywords string keywords for adspace (optional)
$regions array adspace customer regions (optional)
$categories array adspace categories (optional)
$checkNumber integer
Résultat object or string adspace item or false

createApplication() public méthode

Create an application
public createApplication ( string $name = NULL, string $version = NULL, integer $adrank, string $tags = NULL, integer $status, boolean $mediaSlotCompatible = false, boolean $inline = false, string $integrationCode = NULL, string $integrationNotes = NULL, string $description = NULL, string $terms = NULL, string $connectRole = NULL, string $connectId = NULL, string $connectStatus = NULL, string $connectUrl = NULL, string $cancelUrl = NULL, string $documentationUrl = NULL, string $companyUrl = NULL, string $developer = NULL, float $pricingShare, float $pricingSetup, float $pricingMonthly, string $pricingCurrency = NULL, string $pricingDescription = NULL, string $startDate = NULL, string $modifiedDate = NULL, string $installableTo = NULL, string $applicationType = NULL, integer $width = NULL, integer $height = NULL, string $format = NULL, string $technique = NULL, string $logoUrl = NULL, string $previewUrl = NULL ) : object
$name string name (optional)
$version string version (optional)
$adrank integer adrank (optional)
$tags string tags (optional)
$status integer status (optional)
$mediaSlotCompatible boolean compatible to media slot (optional)
$inline boolean
$integrationCode string integration code (optional)
$integrationNotes string integration notes (optional)
$description string description (optional)
$terms string terms of service (optional)
$connectRole string role of the application (optional) (developer, customer, tester)
$connectId string connect id (optional)
$connectStatus string connect status (optional) (active, inactive)
$connectUrl string connect url (optional)
$cancelUrl string cancel url (optional)
$documentationUrl string documentation url (optional)
$companyUrl string company url (optional)
$developer string developer (optional)
$pricingShare float price for share model (optional)
$pricingSetup float price for setup (optional)
$pricingMonthly float price for monthly usage (optional)
$pricingCurrency string pricing currency (optional)
$pricingDescription string pricing description (optional)
$startDate string start date (optional)
$modifiedDate string modification date (optional)
$installableTo string who can install the (optional) application (advertiser, publisher)
$applicationType string type of application (optional) (widget, saas, software)
$width integer width of application (optional)
$height integer height of application (optional)
$format string format of application (optional)
$technique string technique (optional)
$logoUrl string logo url (optional)
$previewUrl string preview url (optional)
Résultat object or string application item or false

createMediaSlot() public méthode

Create media slot.
public createMediaSlot ( string $name, integer $adspaceId, string $adspaceName = NULL, string $applicationId, string $applicationName = NULL, string $status = NULL, integer $width, integer $height, string $format = NULL, string $createDate = NULL, string $modifiedDate = NULL ) : object
$name string media slot name (mandatory)
$adspaceId integer adspace id (mandatory)
$adspaceName string name of the adspace (optional)
$applicationId string application id (mandatory)
$applicationName string name of the application (optional)
$status string media slot status (mandatory) (active, deleted)
$width integer width of application (optional)
$height integer height of application (optional)
$format string format of application (optional)
$createDate string create date (optional)
$modifiedDate string modified date (optional)
Résultat object or string list of media slot objects or false

createProgramApplication() public méthode

Create program application for a given adspace.
public createProgramApplication ( integer $programId, integer $adspaceId ) : boolean
$programId integer advertiser program id
$adspaceId integer advertising space id
Résultat boolean true or false

createSetting() public méthode

Create setting
public createSetting ( integer $applicationId, integer $mediaslotId = NULL, string $key, string $value, string $customValue, string $type = NULL, string $name = NULL, string $description = NULL ) : object
$applicationId integer application id (mandatory)
$mediaslotId integer media slot id (optional)
$key string settings key (mandatory)
$value string settings value (optional)
$customValue string settings custom value (optional)
$type string settings type (optional) (boolean, color, number, string, date)
$name string settings name (optional)
$description string settings description (optional)
Résultat object or string setting

deleteAdspace() public méthode

Removes advertising space.
public deleteAdspace ( integer $adspaceId ) : boolean
$adspaceId integer advertising space id
Résultat boolean true on success

deleteApplication() public méthode

Delete application.
public deleteApplication ( integer $applicationId ) : boolean
$applicationId integer application id (mandatory)
Résultat boolean true on success

deleteMediaSlot() public méthode

Delete media slot.
public deleteMediaSlot ( integer $mediaslotId ) : object
$mediaslotId integer media slot id (mandatory)
Résultat object or string true if success

deleteProgramApplication() public méthode

Delete program application.
public deleteProgramApplication ( integer $programId, integer $adspaceId ) : boolean
$programId integer advertiser program id
$adspaceId integer advertising space id
Résultat boolean true or false

deleteSetting() public méthode

Delete setting
public deleteSetting ( integer $applicationId, string $mediaslotId, string $key ) : object
$applicationId integer application id (mandatory)
$mediaslotId string mediaslot id (optional)
$key string settings key (mandatory)
Résultat object or string setting

getAdmedia() public méthode

Retrieve all advertising media items. Note: The admedium categories are specific to each advertiser program. Supported admedium types are 801: Text 802: Image 803: Image with text 804: HTML (may also include Flash) 805: Script (may also include Flash)
public getAdmedia ( integer $programId = NULL, string $region = NULL, string $format = NULL, string $partnerShip = NULL, string $purpose = NULL, string $admediumType = NULL, integer $categoryId = NULL, integer $adspaceId = NULL, integer $page, integer $items = 10 ) : object
$programId integer advertiser program id (optional)
$region string limit search to region (optional)
$format string admedia format (optional)
$partnerShip string partnership status (optional) (direct or indirect)
$purpose string purpose of admedia (optional) (startPage, productDeeplink, categoryDeeplink, searchDeeplink)
$admediumType string type of admedium (optional) (html, script, lookatMedia, image, imageText, text)
$categoryId integer admedium category id (optional)
$adspaceId integer adspace id (optional)
$page integer page of result set (optional)
$items integer items per page (optional)
Résultat object or string admedia result set or false

getAdmedium() public méthode

Get a single admedium.
public getAdmedium ( integer $admediumId, integer $adspaceId = NULL ) : object
$admediumId integer advertising medium id
$adspaceId integer advertising space id (optional)
Résultat object or string single product item or false

getAdmediumCategories() public méthode

Get admedium categories.
public getAdmediumCategories ( integer $programId ) : object
$programId integer program admedium categories
Résultat object or string list of admedium categories

getAdspace() public méthode

Returns a single advertising spaces.
public getAdspace ( integer $adspaceId ) : object
$adspaceId integer advertising space id
Résultat object or string adspace item or false

getAdspaces() public méthode

Returns all advertising spaces.
public getAdspaces ( integer $page, integer $items = 10 ) : object
$page integer result set page (optional)
$items integer items per page (optional)
Résultat object or string adspaces result set or false

getApplication() public méthode

Get single application.
public getApplication ( integer $applicationId ) : object
$applicationId integer application id (mandatory)
Résultat object or string application item or false

getApplications() public méthode

Get applications.
public getApplications ( string $name = NULL, integer $width = NULL, integer $height = NULL, string $format = NULL, string $role = NULL, string $applicationType = NULL, integer $page, integer $items ) : object
$name string name of the application (optional)
$width integer width of application (optional)
$height integer height of application (optional)
$format string format of application (optional)
$role string role of the application (optional) (developer, customer, tester)
$applicationType string type of application (optional) (widget, saas, software)
$page integer page of result set (optional)
$items integer items per page (optional)
Résultat object or string application item or false

getBalance() public méthode

Get account balance
public getBalance ( integer $currency ) : object
$currency integer currence code of balance account
Résultat object or string payment item or false

getBalances() public méthode

Get currency account balances.
public getBalances ( integer $page, integer $items = 10 ) : object
$page integer result set page (optional)
$items integer items per page (optional)
Résultat object or string account balances result set or false

getBankAccount() public méthode

Get single back account.
public getBankAccount ( integer $bankAccountId ) : object
$bankAccountId integer result set page
Résultat object or string account balances result set or false

getBankAccounts() public méthode

Get back accounts.
public getBankAccounts ( integer $page, integer $items = 10 ) : object
$page integer result set page (optional)
$items integer items per page (optional)
Résultat object or string account balances result set or false

getExclusiveIncentive() public méthode

Get single exclusive incentive.
public getExclusiveIncentive ( integer $incentiveId, integer $adspaceId = NULL ) : object
$incentiveId integer incentive id (mandatory)
$adspaceId integer adspace id (optional)
Résultat object or string incentive or false

getIncentive() public méthode

Get single incentive.
public getIncentive ( integer $incentiveId, integer $adspaceId = NULL ) : object
$incentiveId integer incentive id (mandatory)
$adspaceId integer adspace id (optional)
Résultat object or string incentive or false

getLead() public méthode

Get single sale item.
public getLead ( integer $leadId ) : object
$leadId integer lead id
Résultat object or string sales result set or false

getLeads() public méthode

Get leads report.
public getLeads ( string $date, string $dateType = NULL, integer $programId = NULL, integer $adspaceId = NULL, array $reviewState = NULL, integer $page, integer $items = 10 ) : object
$date string date of sales
$dateType string type of date to filter by (optional) (clickDate, trackingDate, modifiedDate)
$programId integer filter by program id (optional)
$adspaceId integer filter by adspace id (optional)
$reviewState array filter by review status (optional) (confirmed, open, rejected or approved)
$page integer page of result set (optional)
$items integer items per page (optional)
Résultat object or string sales result set or false

getMediaSlot() public méthode

Get media slots.
public getMediaSlot ( integer $mediaslotId ) : object
$mediaslotId integer media slot id (optional)
Résultat object or string media slot object or false

getMediaSlots() public méthode

Get media slots.
public getMediaSlots ( integer $adspaceId, integer $width, integer $height, string $format = NULL, integer $page, integer $items ) : object
$adspaceId integer advertising space id (optional)
$width integer width of application (optional)
$height integer height of application (optional)
$format string format of application (optional)
$page integer page of result set (optional)
$items integer items per page (optional)
Résultat object or string list of media slot objects or false

getPayment() public méthode

Get a single payment item.
public getPayment ( integer $paymentId ) : object
$paymentId integer payment item id
Résultat object or string payment item or false

getPayments() public méthode

Get payment transactions of the current zanox account.
public getPayments ( integer $page, integer $items = 10 ) : object
$page integer page of result set (optional)
$items integer items per page (optional)
Résultat object or string payments result set or false

getProduct() public méthode

Get a single product.
public getProduct ( string $productId, integer $adspaceId = NULL ) : object
$productId string product id hash
$adspaceId integer adspace id (optional)
Résultat object or string single product item or false

getProductCategories() public méthode

Get product categories.
public getProductCategories ( integer $rootCategory, boolean $includeChilds = false ) : object
$rootCategory integer category id (optional)
$includeChilds boolean include child nodes (optional)
Résultat object or string single product item or false

getProfile() public méthode

Return zanox user profile.
public getProfile ( ) : object
Résultat object or string profile item

getProgram() public méthode

Retrieve a single zanox advertiser program item.
public getProgram ( $program_id ) : object
Résultat object or string program item or false

getProgramApplications() public méthode

Get advertiser program applications for a user.
public getProgramApplications ( integer $programId = NULL, integer $adspaceId = NULL, string $status = NULL, integer $page, integer $items = 10 ) : object
$programId integer restrict results to applications (optional) to the id of this program (optional)
$adspaceId integer advertising space id (optional)
$status string restrict results to program applications with this status: "open", "confirmed", "rejected", "deferred", "waiting", "blocked", "terminated", "canceled", "called", "declined", "deleted"
$page integer page of result set (optional)
$items integer items per page (optional)
Résultat object or string program result set or false

getProgramCategories() public méthode

Get advertiser program categories.
public getProgramCategories ( ) : object
Résultat object or string category result set or false

getReportBasic() public méthode

Get basic sales/leads report.
public getReportBasic ( string $fromDate, string $toDate, string $dateType = NULL, string $currency = NULL, integer $programId = NULL, integer $admediumId = NULL, integer $admediumFormat = NULL, integer $adspaceId = NULL, string $reviewState = NULL, string $groupBy = NULL ) : object
$fromDate string report start date
$toDate string report end date
$dateType string type of date to filter by (optional) (clickDate, trackingDate, modifiedDate)
$currency string currency (optional)
$programId integer program id (optional)
$admediumId integer admedium id (optional)
$admediumFormat integer admedium format id (optional)
$adspaceId integer adspace id (optional)
$reviewState string filter by review status (optional) (confirmed, open, rejected or approved)
$groupBy string group report by option (optional) (country, region, city, currency, admedium, program, adspace, linkFormat, reviewState, trackingCategory, month, day, hour, year, dayOfWeek)
Résultat object or string payment item or false

getSale() public méthode

Get single sale item.
public getSale ( integer $saleId ) : object
$saleId integer sale id
Résultat object or string sales result set or false

getSales() public méthode

Get sales report.
public getSales ( string $date, string $dateType = NULL, integer $programId = NULL, integer $adspaceId = NULL, array $reviewState = NULL, integer $page, integer $items = 10 ) : object
$date string date of sales
$dateType string type of date to filter by (optional) (clickDate, trackingDate, modifiedDate)
$programId integer filter by program id (optional)
$adspaceId integer filter by adspace id (optional)
$reviewState array filter by review status (optional) (confirmed, open, rejected or approved)
$page integer page of result set (optional)
$items integer items per page (optional)
Résultat object or string sales result set or false

getSession() public méthode

Returns new OAuth user session
public getSession ( string $authToken ) : object
$authToken string authentication token
Résultat object user session

getSetting() public méthode

Get single setting.
public getSetting ( integer $applicationId, integer $mediaslotId = NULL, key $key ) : object
$applicationId integer application id (mandatory)
$mediaslotId integer media slot id (optional)
$key key application specific key
Résultat object or string application item or false

getSettings() public méthode

Get settings.
public getSettings ( integer $applicationId, integer $mediaslotId = NULL, integer $page, integer $items ) : object
$applicationId integer application id (mandatory)
$mediaslotId integer media slot id (optional)
$page integer page of result set (optional)
$items integer items per page (optional)
Résultat object or string list of settings or false

getTrackingCategories() public méthode

Get tracking categories for ad space; if not program member, returns program's default categories NOTE: not yet implemented with REST protocol!!!!
public getTrackingCategories ( integer $adspaceId, integer $programId, integer $page, integer $items = 50 ) : object
$adspaceId integer adspace id (mandatory)
$programId integer advertiser program id (mandatory)
$page integer result set page (optional)
$items integer items per page (optional)
Résultat object or string program result set of trackingCategoryItems

getUiUrl() public méthode

Get zanox User Interface Url
public getUiUrl ( string $connectId, string $sessionKey ) : boolean
$connectId string connect ID
$sessionKey string session key
Résultat boolean returns true on success

searchExclusiveIncentives() public méthode

Search for exclusive incentives.
public searchExclusiveIncentives ( integer $programId = NULL, integer $adspaceId = NULL, string $incentiveType = NULL, string $region = NULL, integer $page, integer $items = 10 ) : object
$programId integer limit search to program list of programs (optional)
$adspaceId integer adspace id (optional)
$incentiveType string type of incentive (optional) (coupons, samples, bargains, freeProducts, noShippingCosts, lotteries)
$region string program region (optional)
$page integer page of result set (optional)
$items integer items per page (optional)
Résultat object or string list of incentives or false

searchIncentives() public méthode

Search for incentives.
public searchIncentives ( integer $programId = NULL, integer $adspaceId = NULL, string $incentiveType = NULL, string $region = NULL, integer $page, integer $items = 10 ) : object
$programId integer limit search to program list of programs (optional)
$adspaceId integer adspace id (optional)
$incentiveType string type of incentive (optional) (coupons, samples, bargains, freeProducts, noShippingCosts, lotteries)
$region string program region (optional)
$page integer page of result set (optional)
$items integer items per page (optional)
Résultat object or string list of incentives or false

searchProducts() public méthode

Search for products.
public searchProducts ( string $query, string $searchType = 'phrase', string $region = NULL, integer $categoryId = NULL, $programs = [], boolean $hasImages = true, float $minPrice, float $maxPrice = NULL, integer $adspaceId = NULL, integer $page, integer $items = 10 ) : object
$query string search string
$searchType string search type (optional) (contextual or phrase)
$region string limit search to region (optional)
$categoryId integer limit search to categorys (optional)
$hasImages boolean products with images (optional)
$minPrice float minimum price (optional)
$maxPrice float maximum price (optional)
$adspaceId integer adspace id (optional)
$page integer page of result set (optional)
$items integer items per page (optional)
Résultat object or string list of products or false

searchPrograms() public méthode

Search zanox advertiser programs.
public searchPrograms ( string $query = NULL, string $startDate = NULL, string $partnerShip = NULL, boolean $hasProducts = false, string $region = NULL, string $categoryId = NULL, integer $page, integer $items = 10 ) : object
$query string search string
$startDate string program start date (optional)
$partnerShip string partnership status (optional) (direct or indirect)
$hasProducts boolean program has product data
$region string program region
$categoryId string program category id
$page integer page of result set
$items integer items per page
Résultat object or string programs result set or false

updateAdspace() public méthode

--- Usage example: $api = ZanoxAPI::factory(PROTOCOL_XML); $id = 234324; $name = "example"; $lang = "en"; $url = ""; $contact = "[email protected]"; $description = "example demonstrates how to use the api"; $adspaceType = "website"; $scope = "private"; $visitors = 1; $impressions = 1; $keywords = "keyword1, keyword2, keyword3"; $regions['region'] = array("DE", "US"); $categories['category'] = array('1', '2'); $result = $api->createAdspace($id, $name, $lang, $url, $contact, $description, $adspaceType, $scope, $visitors, $impressions, $keywords, $regions, $categories); ---
public updateAdspace ( integer $adspaceId, string $name, string $language, string $url, string $contact, string $description, string $adspaceType, array $scope, integer $visitors, integer $impressions, string $keywords = NULL, array $regions = [], array $categories = [], integer $checkNumber ) : object
$adspaceId integer adspace id
$name string adspace name
$language string language of adspace (e.g. en)
$url string url of adspace
$contact string contact address (email)
$description string description of adspace
$adspaceType string adspace typ (website, email or searchengine)
$scope array adspace scope (private or business)
$visitors integer adspace monthly visitors
$impressions integer adspace monthly page impressions
$keywords string keywords for adspace (optional)
$regions array adspace customer regions (optional)
$categories array adspace categories (optional)
$checkNumber integer
Résultat object or string adspace item or false

updateApplication() public méthode

Update an application
public updateApplication ( integer $applicationId, string $name = NULL, string $version = NULL, integer $adrank, string $tags = NULL, integer $status, boolean $mediaSlotCompatible = false, boolean $inline = false, string $integrationCode = NULL, string $integrationNotes = NULL, string $description = NULL, string $terms = NULL, string $connectRole = NULL, string $connectId = NULL, string $connectStatus = NULL, string $connectUrl = NULL, string $cancelUrl = NULL, string $documentationUrl = NULL, string $companyUrl = NULL, string $developer = NULL, float $pricingShare, float $pricingSetup, float $pricingMonthly, string $pricingCurrency = NULL, string $pricingDescription = NULL, string $startDate = NULL, string $modifiedDate = NULL, string $installableTo = NULL, string $applicationType = NULL, integer $width = NULL, integer $height = NULL, string $format = NULL, string $technique = NULL, string $logoUrl = NULL, string $previewUrl = NULL ) : object
$applicationId integer application id (mandatory)
$name string name (optional)
$version string version (optional)
$adrank integer adrank (optional)
$tags string tags (optional)
$status integer status (optional)
$mediaSlotCompatible boolean compatible to media slot (optional)
$inline boolean
$integrationCode string integration code (optional)
$integrationNotes string integration notes (optional)
$description string description (optional)
$terms string terms of service (optional)
$connectRole string role of the application (optional) (developer, customer, tester)
$connectId string connect id (optional)
$connectStatus string connect status (optional) (active, inactive)
$connectUrl string connect url (optional)
$cancelUrl string cancel url (optional)
$documentationUrl string documentation url (optional)
$companyUrl string company url (optional)
$developer string developer (optional)
$pricingShare float price for share model (optional)
$pricingSetup float price for setup (optional)
$pricingMonthly float price for monthly usage (optional)
$pricingCurrency string pricing currency (optional)
$pricingDescription string pricing description (optional)
$startDate string start date (optional)
$modifiedDate string modification date (optional)
$installableTo string who can install the (optional) application (advertiser, publisher)
$applicationType string type of application (optional) (widget, saas, software)
$width integer width of application (optional)
$height integer height of application (optional)
$format string format of application (optional)
$technique string technique (optional)
$logoUrl string logo url (optional)
$previewUrl string preview url (optional)
Résultat object or string application item or false

updateMediaSlot() public méthode

Update media slot.
public updateMediaSlot ( integer $mediaslotId, string $name, integer $adspaceId, string $adspaceName = NULL, string $applicationId, string $applicationName = NULL, string $status = NULL, integer $width, integer $height, string $format = NULL, string $createDate = NULL, string $modifiedDate = NULL ) : object
$mediaslotId integer media slot id (mandatory)
$name string media slot name (mandatory)
$adspaceId integer adspace id (mandatory)
$adspaceName string name of the adspace (optional)
$applicationId string application id (mandatory)
$applicationName string name of the application (optional)
$status string media slot status (mandatory) (active, deleted)
$width integer width of application (optional)
$height integer height of application (optional)
$format string format of application (optional)
$createDate string create date (optional)
$modifiedDate string modified date (optional)
Résultat object or string list of media slot objects or false

updateProfile() public méthode

Update zanox user profile.
public updateProfile ( array $profileId, string $loginName, string $userName, string $firstName = NULL, string $lastName = NULL, string $email = NULL, string $country = NULL, string $street1 = NULL, string $street2 = NULL, string $city = NULL, $zipcode = NULL, string $company = NULL, string $phone = NULL, string $mobile = NULL, string $fax = NULL, boolean $isAdvertiser, boolean $isSublogin ) : boolean
$profileId array user profile id
$loginName string login name
$userName string user name
$firstName string first name
$lastName string last name
$email string email address
$country string country or residence
$street1 string street 1
$street2 string street 2 (optional)
$city string city
$company string name of company (optional)
$phone string phone number (optional)
$mobile string mobile number (optional)
$fax string fax number (optional)
$isAdvertiser boolean is Advertiser account
$isSublogin boolean is Sublogin account
Résultat boolean true on success

updateSetting() public méthode

Update setting
public updateSetting ( integer $applicationId, integer $mediaslotId = NULL, string $key, string $value, string $customValue, string $type = NULL, string $name = NULL, string $description = NULL ) : object
$applicationId integer application id (mandatory)
$mediaslotId integer media slot id (optional)
$key string settings key (mandatory)
$value string settings value (optional)
$customValue string settings custom value (optional)
$type string settings type (optional) (boolean, color, number, string, date)
$name string settings name (optional)
$description string settings description (optional)
Résultat object or string setting