PHP Class View_Tabs_jUItabs, atk4

Use: $tabs=$this->add('Tabs'); $tabs->addTab('Tab1')->add('LoremIpsum'); $tabs->addTabURL('./details','Details'); // AJAX tab
Inheritance: extends View_Tabs
Afficher le fichier Open project: atk4/atk4

Méthodes publiques

Свойство Type Description
$options array
$position string
$show_loader boolean Should we show loader indicator while loading tabs
$tab_template Template

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
addTab ( $title, $name = null ) * Add tab and returns it so that you can add static content
addTabURL ( $page, $title = null ) * Add tab which loads dynamically. Returns $this for chaining
defaultTemplate ( )
init ( ) Initialization
render ( )
setOption ( $key, $value ) * Set tabs option, for example, 'active'=>'zero-based index of tab
toBottom ( )
toLeft ( )
toRight ( )

Method Details

addTab() public méthode

* Add tab and returns it so that you can add static content
public addTab ( $title, $name = null )

addTabURL() public méthode

* Add tab which loads dynamically. Returns $this for chaining
public addTabURL ( $page, $title = null )

defaultTemplate() public méthode

public defaultTemplate ( )

init() public méthode

public init ( )

render() public méthode

public render ( )

setOption() public méthode

* Set tabs option, for example, 'active'=>'zero-based index of tab
public setOption ( $key, $value )

toBottom() public méthode

public toBottom ( )

toLeft() public méthode

public toLeft ( )

toRight() public méthode

public toRight ( )

Property Details

$options public_oe property

public array $options
Résultat array

$position public_oe property

public string $position
Résultat string

$show_loader public_oe property

Should we show loader indicator while loading tabs
public bool $show_loader
Résultat boolean

$tab_template public_oe property

public Template $tab_template
Résultat Template