PHP Class Contao\CheckBoxWizard

Inheritance: extends Widget
Afficher le fichier Open project: contao/core-bundle

Protected Properties

Свойство Type Description
$blnSubmitInput boolean Submit user input
$strTemplate string Template

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
__set ( string $strKey, mixed $varValue ) Add specific attributes
generate ( ) : string Generate the widget and return it as string
validate ( ) Check for a valid option (see #4383)

Méthodes protégées

Méthode Description
generateCheckbox ( array $arrOption, integer $i, string $strButtons ) : string Generate a checkbox and return it as string

Method Details

__set() public méthode

Add specific attributes
public __set ( string $strKey, mixed $varValue )
$strKey string
$varValue mixed

generate() public méthode

Generate the widget and return it as string
public generate ( ) : string
Résultat string

generateCheckbox() protected méthode

Generate a checkbox and return it as string
protected generateCheckbox ( array $arrOption, integer $i, string $strButtons ) : string
$arrOption array
$i integer
$strButtons string
Résultat string

validate() public méthode

Check for a valid option (see #4383)
public validate ( )

Property Details

$blnSubmitInput protected_oe property

Submit user input
protected bool $blnSubmitInput
Résultat boolean

$strTemplate protected_oe property

protected string $strTemplate
Résultat string