PHP Class Eloquent\Phony\Matcher\WildcardMatcher

Inheritance: implements Eloquent\Phony\Matcher\Matchable
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Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
__construct ( Eloquent\Phony\Matcher\Matcher $matcher, integer $minimumArguments, integer | null $maximumArguments ) Construct a new wildcard matcher.
__toString ( ) : string Describe this matcher.
describe ( Eloquent\Phony\Exporter\Exporter $exporter = null ) : string Describe this matcher.
instance ( ) : WildcardMatcher Get the static instance of this matcher.
matcher ( ) : Eloquent\Phony\Matcher\Matcher Get the matcher to use for each argument.
maximumArguments ( ) : integer | null Get the maximum number of arguments to match.
minimumArguments ( ) : integer Get the minimum number of arguments to match.

Method Details

__construct() public méthode

Construct a new wildcard matcher.
public __construct ( Eloquent\Phony\Matcher\Matcher $matcher, integer $minimumArguments, integer | null $maximumArguments )
$matcher Eloquent\Phony\Matcher\Matcher The matcher to use for each argument.
$minimumArguments integer The minimum number of arguments.
$maximumArguments integer | null The maximum number of arguments.

__toString() public méthode

Describe this matcher.
public __toString ( ) : string
Résultat string The description.

describe() public méthode

Describe this matcher.
public describe ( Eloquent\Phony\Exporter\Exporter $exporter = null ) : string
$exporter Eloquent\Phony\Exporter\Exporter The exporter to use.
Résultat string The description.

instance() public static méthode

Get the static instance of this matcher.
public static instance ( ) : WildcardMatcher
Résultat WildcardMatcher The static matcher.

matcher() public méthode

Get the matcher to use for each argument.
public matcher ( ) : Eloquent\Phony\Matcher\Matcher
Résultat Eloquent\Phony\Matcher\Matcher The matcher.

maximumArguments() public méthode

Get the maximum number of arguments to match.
public maximumArguments ( ) : integer | null
Résultat integer | null The maximum number of arguments.

minimumArguments() public méthode

Get the minimum number of arguments to match.
public minimumArguments ( ) : integer
Résultat integer The minimum number of arguments.