PHP Class FOF30\Factory\Magic\ViewFactory

Inheritance: extends BaseFactory
Afficher le fichier Open project: akeeba/fof Class Usage Examples

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
make ( string $name = null, string $viewType = 'html', array $config = [] ) : FOF30\View\DataView\DataViewInterface Create a new object instance

Method Details

make() public méthode

Create a new object instance
public make ( string $name = null, string $viewType = 'html', array $config = [] ) : FOF30\View\DataView\DataViewInterface
$name string The name of the class we're making
$viewType string The view type, default html, possible values html, form, raw, json, csv
$config array The config parameters which override the fof.xml information
Résultat FOF30\View\DataView\DataViewInterface A new TreeModel or DataModel object