PHP Class FOF30\View\DataView\Raw

Inheritance: extends FOF30\View\View, implements FOF30\View\DataView\DataViewInterface
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Protected Properties

Свойство Type Description
$additionalPermissions Additional permissions to fetch on object creation, see getPermissions()
$item The record loaded (read, edit, add views)
$itemCount The total number of items in the model (more than those loaded)
$items The records loaded (browse views)
$lists Data lists
$pageParams Page parameters object, for front-end views
$pagination The pagination object
$permissions ACL permissions map

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
__construct ( Container $container, array $config = [] ) Overrides the constructor to apply Joomla! ACL permissions
getItem ( ) : DataModel Get the item for read, edit, add views
getItemCount ( ) : integer Get the items count for browse views
getItems ( ) : Collection Get the items collection for browse views
getLists ( ) : array Returns the internal list of useful variables to the benefit of header fields.
getPageParams ( ) : JRegistry Get the Joomla! page parameters
getPagination ( ) : JPagination Returns a reference to the pagination object of this view
getPerms ( ) : stdClass Returns a reference to the permissions object of this view
hasAjaxOrderingSupport ( ) : boolean | array Determines if the current Joomla! version and your current table support AJAX-powered drag and drop reordering.

Méthodes protégées

Méthode Description
getPermissions ( null | string $component = null, array $additionalPermissions = [] ) : object Returns a permissions object.
onBeforeAdd ( ) Executes before rendering the page for the add task.
onBeforeBrowse ( ) Executes before rendering the page for the Browse task.
onBeforeEdit ( ) Executes before rendering the page for the Edit task.
onBeforeRead ( ) Executes before rendering the page for the Read task.

Method Details

__construct() public méthode

Overrides the constructor to apply Joomla! ACL permissions
public __construct ( Container $container, array $config = [] )
$container FOF30\Container\Container The container we belong to
$config array The configuration overrides for the view

getItem() public méthode

Get the item for read, edit, add views
public getItem ( ) : DataModel
Résultat FOF30\Model\DataModel

getItemCount() public méthode

Get the items count for browse views
public getItemCount ( ) : integer
Résultat integer

getItems() public méthode

Get the items collection for browse views
public getItems ( ) : Collection
Résultat FOF30\Model\DataModel\Collection

getLists() public méthode

Returns the internal list of useful variables to the benefit of header fields.
public getLists ( ) : array
Résultat array

getPageParams() public méthode

Get the Joomla! page parameters
public getPageParams ( ) : JRegistry
Résultat JRegistry

getPagination() public méthode

Returns a reference to the pagination object of this view
public getPagination ( ) : JPagination
Résultat JPagination

getPermissions() protected méthode

The additionalPermissions array is a hashed array of local key => Joomla! ACL key value pairs. Local key is the name of the permission in the permissions object, whereas Joomla! ACL key is the name of the ACL permission known to Joomla! e.g. "core.manage", "foobar.something" and so on. Note: on CLI applications all permissions are set to TRUE. There is no ACL check there.
protected getPermissions ( null | string $component = null, array $additionalPermissions = [] ) : object
$component null | string The name of the component. Leave empty for automatic detection.
$additionalPermissions array Any additional permissions you want to add to the object.
Résultat object

getPerms() public méthode

Returns a reference to the permissions object of this view
public getPerms ( ) : stdClass
Résultat stdClass

hasAjaxOrderingSupport() public méthode

If they do, it will set up the drag & drop reordering feature.
public hasAjaxOrderingSupport ( ) : boolean | array
Résultat boolean | array False if not supported, otherwise a table with necessary information (saveOrder: should you enable DnD reordering; orderingColumn: which column has the ordering information).

onBeforeAdd() protected méthode

Executes before rendering the page for the add task.
protected onBeforeAdd ( )

onBeforeBrowse() protected méthode

Executes before rendering the page for the Browse task.
protected onBeforeBrowse ( )

onBeforeEdit() protected méthode

Executes before rendering the page for the Edit task.
protected onBeforeEdit ( )

onBeforeRead() protected méthode

Executes before rendering the page for the Read task.
protected onBeforeRead ( )

Property Details

$additionalPermissions protected_oe property

Additional permissions to fetch on object creation, see getPermissions()
protected $additionalPermissions

$item protected_oe property

The record loaded (read, edit, add views)
protected $item

$itemCount protected_oe property

The total number of items in the model (more than those loaded)
protected $itemCount

$items protected_oe property

The records loaded (browse views)
protected $items

$lists protected_oe property

Data lists
protected $lists

$pageParams protected_oe property

Page parameters object, for front-end views
protected $pageParams

$pagination protected_oe property

The pagination object
protected $pagination

$permissions protected_oe property

ACL permissions map
protected $permissions