PHP Class Laravel\Lumen\Exceptions\Handler

Inheritance: implements Illuminate\Contracts\Debug\ExceptionHandler
Afficher le fichier Open project: laravel/lumen-framework Class Usage Examples

Protected Properties

Свойство Type Description
$dontReport array A list of the exception types that should not be reported.

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
render ( Illuminate\Http\Request $request, Exception $e ) : Illuminate\Http\Response Render an exception into an HTTP response.
renderForConsole ( Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface $output, Exception $e ) : void Render an exception to the console.
report ( Exception $e ) : void Report or log an exception.
shouldReport ( Exception $e ) : boolean Determine if the exception should be reported.

Méthodes protégées

Méthode Description
decorate ( string $content, string $css ) : string Get the html response content.
shouldntReport ( Exception $e ) : boolean Determine if the exception is in the "do not report" list.

Method Details

decorate() protected méthode

Get the html response content.
protected decorate ( string $content, string $css ) : string
$content string
$css string
Résultat string

render() public méthode

Render an exception into an HTTP response.
public render ( Illuminate\Http\Request $request, Exception $e ) : Illuminate\Http\Response
$request Illuminate\Http\Request
$e Exception
Résultat Illuminate\Http\Response

renderForConsole() public méthode

Render an exception to the console.
public renderForConsole ( Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface $output, Exception $e ) : void
$output Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface
$e Exception
Résultat void

report() public méthode

Report or log an exception.
public report ( Exception $e ) : void
$e Exception
Résultat void

shouldReport() public méthode

Determine if the exception should be reported.
public shouldReport ( Exception $e ) : boolean
$e Exception
Résultat boolean

shouldntReport() protected méthode

Determine if the exception is in the "do not report" list.
protected shouldntReport ( Exception $e ) : boolean
$e Exception
Résultat boolean

Property Details

$dontReport protected_oe property

A list of the exception types that should not be reported.
protected array $dontReport
Résultat array