PHP Class Locker\Repository\Statement\Options

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Méthodes publiques

Свойство Type Description

Protected Properties

Свойство Type Description

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
__construct ( array $opts )
getOpt ( String $opt ) : Mixed Gets an options.

Méthodes protégées

Méthode Description
convertToBoolean ( mixed $value ) : boolean | mixed Converts the given value to a Boolean if it can be.
convertToInt ( mixed $value ) : integer | mixed Converts the given value to a Integer if it can be.
mergeDefaults ( array $opts ) : [String Returns all of the index options set to their default or given value (using the given options).
validate ( $opts ) : [String Validates the given options as index options.

Method Details

__construct() public méthode

public __construct ( array $opts )
$opts array

convertToBoolean() protected méthode

Converts the given value to a Boolean if it can be.
protected convertToBoolean ( mixed $value ) : boolean | mixed
$value mixed
Résultat boolean | mixed Returns the value unchanged if it can't be converted.

convertToInt() protected méthode

Converts the given value to a Integer if it can be.
protected convertToInt ( mixed $value ) : integer | mixed
$value mixed
Résultat integer | mixed Returns the value unchanged if it can't be converted.

getOpt() public méthode

Gets an options.
public getOpt ( String $opt ) : Mixed
$opt String Option name.
Résultat Mixed

mergeDefaults() protected méthode

Returns all of the index options set to their default or given value (using the given options).
protected mergeDefaults ( array $opts ) : [String
$opts array
Résultat [String

validate() protected méthode

Validates the given options as index options.
protected validate ( $opts ) : [String
Résultat [String

Property Details

$defaults protected_oe property

protected $defaults

$options public_oe property

public $options

$types protected_oe property

protected $types