PHP Class Neos\FluidAdaptor\Tests\Functional\Core\WidgetTest

Inheritance: extends Neos\Flow\Tests\FunctionalTestCase
Afficher le fichier Open project: neos/flow-development-collection

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
forwardToDifferentControllerThrowsException ( )
forwardWithParameterTriggersTargetAction ( )
forwardWithoutParameterTriggersTargetAction ( )
ifIncludedInATemplateTheWidgetReturnsResultOfItsOwnIndexAction ( ) This sends a request to the helper controller (AjaxTestController) which includes the AJAX widget in its template. The indexAction renders that template which in turn lets the "someAjax" widget call the indexAction of its own controller (SomeAjaxController).
redirectToDifferentControllerThrowsException ( )
redirectWithDelayAndNoParameterOutputsRefreshMetaHeader ( )
redirectWithDelayAndWithParameterOutputsRefreshMetaHeader ( )
redirectWithoutDelayAndNoParameterImmediatelyRedirectsToTargetAction ( )
redirectWithoutDelayAndWithParameterImmediatelyRedirectsToTargetAction ( )
setUp ( ) Additional setup: Routes
theGeneratedUriLeadsToASpecificActionOfTheAjaxController ( ) This sends a request to the helper controller (AjaxTestController) which includes the AJAX widget in its template. The second line of the output created by the indexAction() of the "someAjax" widget contains a URI which allows for directly sending a request (from outside) to the widget, calling the ajaxAction().

Method Details

forwardToDifferentControllerThrowsException() public méthode

forwardWithParameterTriggersTargetAction() public méthode

forwardWithoutParameterTriggersTargetAction() public méthode

ifIncludedInATemplateTheWidgetReturnsResultOfItsOwnIndexAction() public méthode

This sends a request to the helper controller (AjaxTestController) which includes the AJAX widget in its template. The indexAction renders that template which in turn lets the "someAjax" widget call the indexAction of its own controller (SomeAjaxController).

redirectToDifferentControllerThrowsException() public méthode

redirectWithDelayAndNoParameterOutputsRefreshMetaHeader() public méthode

redirectWithDelayAndWithParameterOutputsRefreshMetaHeader() public méthode

redirectWithoutDelayAndNoParameterImmediatelyRedirectsToTargetAction() public méthode

redirectWithoutDelayAndWithParameterImmediatelyRedirectsToTargetAction() public méthode

setUp() public méthode

Additional setup: Routes
public setUp ( )

theGeneratedUriLeadsToASpecificActionOfTheAjaxController() public méthode

We send a request to this URI and check if the AJAX widget was really invoked.