PHP Class Newscoop\PluginGeneratorBundle\Generator\Generator

Author: Fabien Potencier ([email protected])
Afficher le fichier Open project: sourcefabric/newscoop

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
setSkeletonDirs ( array $skeletonDirs ) Sets an array of directories to look for templates.

Méthodes protégées

Méthode Description
getTwigEnvironment ( ) : Twig_Environment Get the twig environment that will render skeletons
render ( $template, $parameters )
renderFile ( $template, $target, $parameters )

Method Details

getTwigEnvironment() protected méthode

Get the twig environment that will render skeletons
protected getTwigEnvironment ( ) : Twig_Environment
Résultat Twig_Environment

render() protected méthode

protected render ( $template, $parameters )

renderFile() protected méthode

protected renderFile ( $template, $target, $parameters )

setSkeletonDirs() public méthode

The directories must be sorted from the most specific to the most directory.
public setSkeletonDirs ( array $skeletonDirs )
$skeletonDirs array An array of skeleton dirs