Méthode |
Description |
__construct ( mixed $data ) |
Creates an new NumArray |
__toString ( ) : string |
Returns a string representing the NumArray |
abs ( ) |
Applies abs on every value of the NumArray |
add ( mixed $addend ) |
Adds an array, NumArray or numeric value to the existing NumArray |
div ( mixed $divisor ) |
Divides the NumArray with a divisor |
dot ( mixed $factor ) |
Multiplies an array, NumArray or numeric value to the existing NumArray |
get ( ) : NumArray |
Returns a sliced part the NumArray |
getData ( ) : mixed |
Returns the data of the NumArray |
getNDim ( ) : integer |
Returns the number of axis (dimensions) the NumArray |
getShape ( ) : array |
Returns the dimensions of the NumArray |
getSize ( ) : integer |
Returns the number of elements the NumArray |
getTranspose ( ) : NumArray |
Returns the transposed NumArray |
max ( integer $axis = null ) : NumArray |
Returns the max of the NumArray for the given axis |
mean ( integer $axis = null ) : NumArray |
Returns the mean of the NumArray for the given axis |
min ( integer $axis = null ) : NumArray |
Returns the min of the NumArray for the given axis |
mult ( mixed $factor ) |
Multiplies the NumArray with a factor |
reshape ( ) : NumArray |
Reshapes the NumArray |
set ( ) |
Replaces a value or complete parts in the NumArray. The new value is always the last argument |
sub ( mixed $subtrahend ) |
Subtracts an array, NumArray or numeric value from the existing NumArray |
sum ( integer $axis = null ) : NumArray |
Summed all elements of an NumArray for the given axis |