PHP Class Piwik\Plugins\SitesManager\Controller

Inheritance: extends Piwik\Plugin\ControllerAdmin
Afficher le fichier Open project: piwik/piwik

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
displayJavascriptCode ( ) : string Displays the admin UI page showing all tracking tags
downloadPiwikTracker ( ) User will download a file called PiwikTracker.php that is the content of the actual script
getGlobalSettings ( )
globalSettings ( )
index ( ) Main view showing listing of websites and settings
setGlobalSettings ( ) Records Global settings when user submit changes
siteWithoutData ( )

Method Details

displayJavascriptCode() public méthode

Displays the admin UI page showing all tracking tags
public displayJavascriptCode ( ) : string
Résultat string

downloadPiwikTracker() public méthode

User will download a file called PiwikTracker.php that is the content of the actual script

getGlobalSettings() public méthode

public getGlobalSettings ( )

globalSettings() public méthode

public globalSettings ( )

index() public méthode

Main view showing listing of websites and settings
public index ( )

setGlobalSettings() public méthode

Records Global settings when user submit changes
public setGlobalSettings ( )

siteWithoutData() public méthode

public siteWithoutData ( )