PHP Class Piwik\Settings\Measurable\MeasurableProperty

... The difference to {@link MeasurableSetting} is that these fields will be stored in the actual site table whereas MeasurableSetting will be stored in a site_settings table. For this reasons MeasurableProperty can be used only for some specific fields that already exist in site table such as "ecommerce", "sitesearch" etc. See {@link \Piwik\Settings\Setting}.
Inheritance: extends Piwik\Settings\Setting
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Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
__construct ( string $name, mixed $defaultValue, string $type, string $pluginName, integer $idSite ) Constructor.
isWritableByCurrentUser ( ) : boolean Returns true if this setting can be displayed for the current user, false if otherwise.

Private Methods

Méthode Description
hasSiteBeenCreated ( )

Method Details

__construct() public méthode

public __construct ( string $name, mixed $defaultValue, string $type, string $pluginName, integer $idSite )
$name string The persisted name of the setting.
$defaultValue mixed Default value for this setting if no value was specified.
$type string Eg an array, int, ... see TYPE_* constants
$pluginName string The name of the plugin the setting belongs to.
$idSite integer The idSite this property belongs to.

isWritableByCurrentUser() public méthode

Returns true if this setting can be displayed for the current user, false if otherwise.
public isWritableByCurrentUser ( ) : boolean
Résultat boolean