PHP Class Pop\Mail\Queue

Author: Nick Sagona, III ([email protected])
Inheritance: extends SplQueue
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Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
__construct ( mixed $email = null, string $name = null ) : Queue Constructor
__toString ( ) : string Build the to string
add ( string $email, string $name = null ) : Queue Add a recipient
addRecipients ( mixed $rcpts ) : Queue Add recipients

Method Details

__construct() public méthode

Instantiate the mail queue object.
public __construct ( mixed $email = null, string $name = null ) : Queue
$email mixed
$name string
Résultat Queue

__toString() public méthode

Build the to string
public __toString ( ) : string
Résultat string

add() public méthode

Add a recipient
public add ( string $email, string $name = null ) : Queue
$email string
$name string
Résultat Queue

addRecipients() public méthode

Add recipients
public addRecipients ( mixed $rcpts ) : Queue
$rcpts mixed
Résultat Queue