PHP Class Valet\Valet

Afficher le fichier Open project: laravel/valet

Méthodes publiques

Свойство Type Description

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
__construct ( CommandLine $cli, Filesystem $files ) Create a new Valet instance.
createSudoersEntry ( ) : void Create the "sudoers.d" entry for running Valet.
extensions ( ) : array Get the paths to all of the Valet extensions.
onLatestVersion ( string $currentVersion ) : boolean Determine if this is the latest version of Valet.
symlinkToUsersBin ( ) : void Symlink the Valet Bash script into the user's local bin.

Method Details

__construct() public méthode

Create a new Valet instance.
public __construct ( CommandLine $cli, Filesystem $files )
$cli CommandLine
$files Filesystem

createSudoersEntry() public méthode

Create the "sudoers.d" entry for running Valet.
public createSudoersEntry ( ) : void
Résultat void

extensions() public méthode

Get the paths to all of the Valet extensions.
public extensions ( ) : array
Résultat array

onLatestVersion() public méthode

Determine if this is the latest version of Valet.
public onLatestVersion ( string $currentVersion ) : boolean
$currentVersion string
Résultat boolean

symlinkToUsersBin() public méthode

Symlink the Valet Bash script into the user's local bin.
public symlinkToUsersBin ( ) : void
Résultat void

Property Details

$cli public_oe property

public $cli

$files public_oe property

public $files

$valetBin public_oe property

public $valetBin