PHP Interface Horde_Itip_Event, horde

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Afficher le fichier Open project: horde/horde Interface Usage Examples

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
copyEventInto ( Horde_Itip_Event $event ) : null Copy the details from an event into this one.
getEnd ( ) : string Return the end of the iTip event.
getMethod ( ) : string Return the method of the iTip request.
getOrganizer ( ) : string Return the organizer of the iTip event.
getStart ( ) : string Return the start of the iTip event.
getSummary ( ) : string Return the summary for the event.
getUid ( ) : string Return the uid of the iTip event.
getVevent ( ) : Horde_Icalendar_Vevent Returns the event as vEvent.
setAttendee ( string $attendee, string $common_name, string $status ) : null Set the attendee parameters.

Method Details

copyEventInto() public méthode

Copy the details from an event into this one.
public copyEventInto ( Horde_Itip_Event $event ) : null
$event Horde_Itip_Event The event to copy from.
Résultat null

getEnd() public méthode

Return the end of the iTip event.
public getEnd ( ) : string
Résultat string The end of the event.

getMethod() public méthode

Return the method of the iTip request.
public getMethod ( ) : string
Résultat string The method of the request.

getOrganizer() public méthode

Return the organizer of the iTip event.
public getOrganizer ( ) : string
Résultat string The organizer of the event.

getStart() public méthode

Return the start of the iTip event.
public getStart ( ) : string
Résultat string The start of the event.

getSummary() public méthode

Return the summary for the event.
public getSummary ( ) : string
Résultat string The summary.

getUid() public méthode

Return the uid of the iTip event.
public getUid ( ) : string
Résultat string The uid of the event.

getVevent() public méthode

Returns the event as vEvent.
public getVevent ( ) : Horde_Icalendar_Vevent
Résultat Horde_Icalendar_Vevent The wrapped event.

setAttendee() public méthode

Set the attendee parameters.
public setAttendee ( string $attendee, string $common_name, string $status ) : null
$attendee string The mail address of the attendee.
$common_name string Common name of the attendee.
$status string Attendee status (ACCPETED, DECLINED, TENTATIVE)
Résultat null