PHP Interface AcmePhp\Cli\Repository\RepositoryInterface

Author: Titouan Galopin ([email protected])
Afficher le fichier Open project: acmephp/acmephp Interface Usage Examples

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
hasAccountKeyPair ( ) : boolean Check if there is an account key pair in the repository.
hasDomainAuthorizationChallenge ( string $domain ) : boolean Check if there is an authorization challenge associated to the given domain in the repository.
hasDomainCertificate ( string $domain ) : boolean Check if there is a certificate associated to the given domain in the repository.
hasDomainDistinguishedName ( string $domain ) : boolean Check if there is a distinguished name associated to the given domain in the repository.
hasDomainKeyPair ( string $domain ) : boolean Check if there is a key pair associated to the given domain in the repository.
loadAccountKeyPair ( ) : KeyPair Load the account key pair.
loadDomainAuthorizationChallenge ( string $domain ) : AcmePhp\Core\Protocol\AuthorizationChallenge Load the authorization challenge associated to a given domain.
loadDomainCertificate ( string $domain ) : Certificate Load the certificate associated to a given domain.
loadDomainDistinguishedName ( string $domain ) : DistinguishedName Load the distinguished name associated to a given domain.
loadDomainKeyPair ( string $domain ) : KeyPair Load the key pair associated to a given domain.
save ( string $path, string $content, string $visibility = self::VISIBILITY_PRIVATE ) Save a given string into a given path handling backup.
storeAccountKeyPair ( KeyPair $keyPair ) : void Store a given key pair as the account key pair (the global key pair used to interact with the ACME server).
storeCertificateResponse ( CertificateResponse $certificateResponse ) : void Extract important elements from the given certificate response and store them in the repository.
storeDomainAuthorizationChallenge ( string $domain, AcmePhp\Core\Protocol\AuthorizationChallenge $authorizationChallenge ) : void Store a given authorization challenge as associated to a given domain.
storeDomainCertificate ( string $domain, Certificate $certificate ) : void Store a given certificate as associated to a given domain.
storeDomainDistinguishedName ( string $domain, DistinguishedName $distinguishedName ) : void Store a given distinguished name as associated to a given domain.
storeDomainKeyPair ( string $domain, KeyPair $keyPair ) : void Store a given key pair as associated to a given domain.

Method Details

hasAccountKeyPair() public méthode

Check if there is an account key pair in the repository.
public hasAccountKeyPair ( ) : boolean
Résultat boolean

hasDomainAuthorizationChallenge() public méthode

Check if there is an authorization challenge associated to the given domain in the repository.
public hasDomainAuthorizationChallenge ( string $domain ) : boolean
$domain string
Résultat boolean

hasDomainCertificate() public méthode

Check if there is a certificate associated to the given domain in the repository.
public hasDomainCertificate ( string $domain ) : boolean
$domain string
Résultat boolean

hasDomainDistinguishedName() public méthode

Check if there is a distinguished name associated to the given domain in the repository.
public hasDomainDistinguishedName ( string $domain ) : boolean
$domain string
Résultat boolean

hasDomainKeyPair() public méthode

Check if there is a key pair associated to the given domain in the repository.
public hasDomainKeyPair ( string $domain ) : boolean
$domain string
Résultat boolean

loadAccountKeyPair() public méthode

Load the account key pair.
public loadAccountKeyPair ( ) : KeyPair
Résultat AcmePhp\Ssl\KeyPair

loadDomainAuthorizationChallenge() public méthode

Load the authorization challenge associated to a given domain.
public loadDomainAuthorizationChallenge ( string $domain ) : AcmePhp\Core\Protocol\AuthorizationChallenge
$domain string
Résultat AcmePhp\Core\Protocol\AuthorizationChallenge

loadDomainCertificate() public méthode

Load the certificate associated to a given domain.
public loadDomainCertificate ( string $domain ) : Certificate
$domain string
Résultat AcmePhp\Ssl\Certificate

loadDomainDistinguishedName() public méthode

Load the distinguished name associated to a given domain.
public loadDomainDistinguishedName ( string $domain ) : DistinguishedName
$domain string
Résultat AcmePhp\Ssl\DistinguishedName

loadDomainKeyPair() public méthode

Load the key pair associated to a given domain.
public loadDomainKeyPair ( string $domain ) : KeyPair
$domain string
Résultat AcmePhp\Ssl\KeyPair

save() public méthode

Save a given string into a given path handling backup.
public save ( string $path, string $content, string $visibility = self::VISIBILITY_PRIVATE )
$path string
$content string
$visibility string The visibilty to use for this file.

storeAccountKeyPair() public méthode

Store a given key pair as the account key pair (the global key pair used to interact with the ACME server).
public storeAccountKeyPair ( KeyPair $keyPair ) : void
$keyPair AcmePhp\Ssl\KeyPair
Résultat void

storeCertificateResponse() public méthode

This method will use the distinguished name common name as a domain to store: - the key pair - the certificate request - the certificate
public storeCertificateResponse ( CertificateResponse $certificateResponse ) : void
$certificateResponse AcmePhp\Ssl\CertificateResponse
Résultat void

storeDomainAuthorizationChallenge() public méthode

Store a given authorization challenge as associated to a given domain.
public storeDomainAuthorizationChallenge ( string $domain, AcmePhp\Core\Protocol\AuthorizationChallenge $authorizationChallenge ) : void
$domain string
$authorizationChallenge AcmePhp\Core\Protocol\AuthorizationChallenge
Résultat void

storeDomainCertificate() public méthode

Store a given certificate as associated to a given domain.
public storeDomainCertificate ( string $domain, Certificate $certificate ) : void
$domain string
$certificate AcmePhp\Ssl\Certificate
Résultat void

storeDomainDistinguishedName() public méthode

Store a given distinguished name as associated to a given domain.
public storeDomainDistinguishedName ( string $domain, DistinguishedName $distinguishedName ) : void
$domain string
$distinguishedName AcmePhp\Ssl\DistinguishedName
Résultat void

storeDomainKeyPair() public méthode

Store a given key pair as associated to a given domain.
public storeDomainKeyPair ( string $domain, KeyPair $keyPair ) : void
$domain string
$keyPair AcmePhp\Ssl\KeyPair
Résultat void