PHP Interface Swiftriver\Core\Analytics\IAnalyticsProvider

Author: mg[at]swiftly[dot]org
Afficher le fichier Open project: ushahidi/Swiftriver-2011

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
DataContentSet ( ) : string[] Function that returns an array containing the fully qualified types of the data content's that the deriving Analytics Provider can work against
ProvideAnalytics ( $request ) : AnalyticsRequest Function that when implemented by a derived class should return an object that can be json encoded and returned to the UI to provide analytical information about the underlying data.
ProviderType ( ) : string Function that should return the name of the given AnalyticsProvider.

Method Details

DataContentSet() public méthode

Function that returns an array containing the fully qualified types of the data content's that the deriving Analytics Provider can work against
public DataContentSet ( ) : string[]
Résultat string[]

ProvideAnalytics() public méthode

Function that when implemented by a derived class should return an object that can be json encoded and returned to the UI to provide analytical information about the underlying data.
public ProvideAnalytics ( $request ) : AnalyticsRequest
Résultat AnalyticsRequest

ProviderType() public méthode

Function that should return the name of the given AnalyticsProvider.
public ProviderType ( ) : string
Résultat string