PHP AppserverIo\Appserver\PersistenceContainer Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
BeanManagerSettingsInterface Interface for the bean manager settings.


Name Description
BeanLocator The bean resource locator implementation.
BeanManager The bean manager handles the message and session beans registered for the application.
BeanManagerFactory The bean manager handles the message and session beans registered for the application.
BeanManagerSettings Default settings for the persistence container implementation.
PersistenceContainerValve Valve implementation that will be executed by the servlet engine to handle an incoming HTTP servlet request.
PersistenceManager The persistence manager handles the entity managers registered for the application.
PersistenceManagerFactory The persistence manager handles the entity managers registered for the application.
PersistenceManagerSettings Default settings for the persistence container implementation.
StandardGarbageCollector The garbage collector for the stateful session beans.
StatefulSessionBeanMap A hash map implementation designed to handle stateful session beans.
TimerServiceRegistry The timer service registry handles an applications timer services.