PHP Elastica\Query Namespace


Name Description
AbstractGeoDistance Geo distance query.
BoolQuery Bool query.
Common Class Common.
ConstantScore Constant score query.
FunctionScore Class FunctionScore
Fuzzy Fuzzy query
GeoBoundingBox Geo bounding box query.
GeoDistanceRange Geo distance query.
GeoPolygon Geo polygon query.
GeoShapePreIndexed geo_shape query for pre-indexed shapes.
GeoShapeProvided geo_shape query or provided shapes.
HasChild Returns parent documents having child docs matching the query.
Ids Ids Query.
Indices Class Indices.
InnerHits Nested query.
Match Match query.
MoreLikeThis More Like This query.
MultiMatch Multi Match.
Nested Nested query.
Percolate Class Percolate.
Prefix Prefix query.
QueryString QueryString query.
Range Range query
Regexp Regexp query.
Script Script query.
Simple Simple query Pure php array query. Can be used to create any not existing type of query.
SimpleQueryString Class SimpleQueryString
Term Term query.
Terms Terms query
Type Type Query.
Wildcard Wildcard query.