PHP eZ\Bundle\EzPublishCoreBundle\DependencyInjection\Compiler Namespace


Name Description
AsseticPass Tweaks Assetic services.
BlockViewPass The BlockViewPass adds DIC compiler pass related to block view.
ChainConfigResolverPass The ChainConfigResolverPass will register all services tagged as "ezpublish.config.resolver" to the chain config resolver.
ChainRoutingPass The ChainRoutingPass will register all services tagged as "router" to the chain router.
ConfigResolverParameterPass This compiler pass will resolve config resolver parameters, delimited by $ chars (e.g. $my_parameter$).
ContentViewPass The ContentViewPass adds DIC compiler pass related to content view.
FieldTypeParameterProviderRegistryPass This compiler pass will register eZ Publish field type parameter providers.
FragmentPass Tweaks Symfony fragment framework.
HttpCachePass HttpCache related compiler pass.
LegacyStorageEnginePass This compiler pass will register eZ Publish field types.
LocalePass This compiler pass will tweak the locale_listener service.
LocationViewPass The LocationViewPass adds DIC compiler pass related to content view.
QueryTypePass Processes services tagged as ezpublish.query_type, and registers them with ezpublish.query_type.registry.
RegisterSearchEngineIndexerPass This compiler pass registers eZ Publish search engines indexers.
RegisterSearchEnginePass This compiler pass will register eZ Publish search engines.
RegisterStorageEnginePass This compiler pass will register eZ Publish storage engines.
RichTextEzxmlInputConverterPass Compiler pass for the RichText EZXML input Aggregate converter tags.
RichTextHtml5ConverterPass Compiler pass for the RichText Aggregate converter tags.
SecurityPass Security related compiler pass.
SignalSlotPass This compiler pass will register slots in SignalDispatcher.
StorageConnectionPass This compiler pass will create aliases for storage engine database handler connections to the storage connection factory.
ViewManagerPass The ViewPass adds DIC compiler pass related to content view.
ViewProvidersPass Registers services tagged as ezpublish.view_provider into the view_provider registry.