PHP FluidTYPO3\Vhs\ViewHelpers\Format Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
AppendViewHelper ### Format: Append string content
CaseViewHelper Case Formatting ViewHelper
DateRangeViewHelper ### Date range calculation/formatting ViewHelper
EliminateViewHelper Character/string/whitespace elimination ViewHelper
HideViewHelper Hides output from browser, but still renders tag content which means any ViewHelper inside the tag content still gets processed.
MarkdownViewHelper Markdown Transformation ViewHelper
PlaintextViewHelper Processes output as plaintext. Will trim whitespace off each line that is provided, making display in a
work correctly indented even if the source is not.
PregReplaceViewHelper ### PregReplace regular expression ViewHeloer
PrependViewHelper ### Format: Prepend string content
RemoveXssViewHelper Removes XSS from $string
ReplaceViewHelper Replaces $substring in $content with $replacement.
SanitizeStringViewHelper URL text segment sanitizer. Sanitizes the content into a valid URL segment value which is usable in an URL without further processing. For example, the text "I am Mr. Brown, how are you?" becomes "i-am-mr-brown-how-are-you". Special characters like diacritics or umlauts are transliterated.
SubstringViewHelper Gets a substring from a string or string-compatible value.
TidyViewHelper Tidy-processes a string (HTML source), applying proper indentation.
TrimViewHelper Trims $content by stripping off $characters (string list of individual chars to strip off, default is all whitespaces).
WordWrapViewHelper ### Wordwrap: Wrap a string at provided character count