PHP Jackalope\Transport Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
NodeTypeCndManagementInterface Alternate interface for transports that implement direct support for the "compact node type and namespace" definition.
NodeTypeManagementInterface Defines the methods needed for Node Type Management support with NodeTypeDefinition instances.
ObservationInterface Defines the methods needed for observation.
QueryInterface Defines the methods needed for Query support
TransactionInterface Defines the methods needed for Transaction support.
TransportInterface Core transport operations. Every transport must implement this interface. It defines the minimal operations required for Jackalope to work.
VersioningInterface Defines the method needed for versioning support.
WorkspaceManagementInterface Defines the methods needed for Workspace Management support.
WritingInterface Defines the methods needed for Writing support


Name Description
AbstractReadLoggingWrapper abstract class for logging transport wrapper.
RemovePropertyOperation Representing a property remove operation.