PHP lithium\util Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
Collection The parent class for all collection objects. Contains methods for collection iteration, conversion, and filtering. Implements `ArrayAccess`, `Iterator`, and `Countable`.
Inflector Utility for modifying format of words. Change singular to plural and vice versa.
Set Used for complex manipulation, comparison, and access of array data. Some methods allow for XPath-like data access, as follows:
String String manipulation utility class. Includes functionality for generating UUIDs, {:tag} and regex replacement, and tokenization. Also includes a cryptographically-strong random number generator, and a base64 encoder for use with DES and XDES.
Validator The `Validator` class provides static access to commonly used data validation logic. These common routines cover HTML form input data such as phone and credit card numbers, dates and postal codes, but also include general checks for regular expressions and booleans and numericality.