PHP Neos\Flow\Aop\Pointcut Namespace


Name Description
PointcutFilterInterface The contract for an AOP Pointcut Filter class


Name Description
Pointcut The pointcut defines the set of join points (ie. "situations") in which certain code associated with the pointcut (ie. advices) should be executed. This set of join points is defined by a pointcut expression which is matched against class and method signatures.
PointcutClassAnnotatedWithFilter A class filter which fires on classes annotated with a certain annotation
PointcutClassNameFilter A simple class filter which fires on class names defined by a regular expression
PointcutClassTypeFilter A class type filter which fires on class or interface names
PointcutExpressionParser The pointcut expression parser parses the definition of the place and circumstances where advices can be inserted later on. The input of the parse() function is a string from a pointcut- or advice annotation and returns a pointcut filter composite.
PointcutFilter A filter which refers to another pointcut.
PointcutFilterComposite This composite allows to check for match against a row pointcut filters by only one method call. All registered filters will be invoked and if one filter doesn't match, the overall result is "no".
PointcutMethodAnnotatedWithFilter A method filter which fires on methods annotated with a certain annotation
PointcutMethodNameFilter A little filter which filters for method names
PointcutSettingFilter A settings filter which fires on configuration setting set to TRUE or equal to the given condition.
RuntimeExpressionEvaluator An evaluator for AOP runtime expressions