PHP Neos\Flow\Validation\Validator Namespace


Name Description
ObjectValidatorInterface Contract for a validator
PolyTypeObjectValidatorInterface Contract for a poly type validator, able to act on possibly any type.
ValidatorInterface Contract for a validator


Name Description
AbstractCompositeValidator An abstract composite validator consisting of other validators
AbstractValidator Abstract validator
AggregateBoundaryValidator A validator which will not validate Aggregates that are lazy loaded and uninitialized.
AlphanumericValidator Validator for alphanumeric strings.
BooleanValueValidator Validator for a specific boolean value.
CollectionValidator A generic collection validator.
ConjunctionValidator Validator to chain many validators in a conjunction (logical and).
CountValidator Validator for countable things
DateTimeRangeValidator Validator for checking Date and Time boundaries
DisjunctionValidator Validator to chain many validators in a disjunction (logical or).
EmailAddressValidator Validator for email addresses
FloatValidator Validator for floats.
GenericObjectValidator A generic object validator which allows for specifying property validators.
IntegerValidator Validator for integers.
LabelValidator A validator for labels.
LocaleIdentifierValidator A validator for locale identifiers.
NotEmptyValidator Validator for not empty values.
NumberRangeValidator Validator for general numbers
NumberValidator Validator for general numbers.
RawValidator A validator which accepts any input.
RegularExpressionValidator Validator based on regular expressions.
StringLengthValidator Validator for string length.
StringValidator Validator for strings.
TextValidator Validator for "plain" text.
UniqueEntityValidator Validator for uniqueness of entities.
UuidValidator Validator for Universally Unique Identifiers.