PHP Neos\Neos\ViewHelpers\Backend Namespace


Name Description
AuthenticationProviderLabelViewHelper Renders a label for the given authentication provider identifier
ChangeStatsViewHelper Displays a text-based "bar graph" giving an indication of the amount and type of changes done to something. Created for use in workspace management.
ColorOfStringViewHelper Generates a color code for a given string
ConfigurationCacheVersionViewHelper ViewHelper for rendering the current version identifier for the configuration cache.
ConfigurationTreeViewHelper Render HTML markup for the full configuration tree in the Neos Administration -> Configuration Module.
ContainerViewHelper ViewHelper for the backend 'container'. Renders the required HTML to integrate the Neos backend into a website.
CssBuiltVersionViewHelper Returns a shortened md5 of the built CSS file
DocumentBreadcrumbPathViewHelper Render a bread crumb path by using the labels of documents leading to the given node path
InterfaceLanguageViewHelper ViewHelper for rendering the current backend users interface language.
JavascriptBuiltVersionViewHelper Returns a shortened md5 of the built JavaScript file
JavascriptConfigurationViewHelper ViewHelper for the backend JavaScript configuration. Renders the required JS snippet to configure the Neos backend.
ShouldLoadMinifiedJavascriptViewHelper Returns TRUE if the minified Neos JavaScript sources should be loaded, FALSE otherwise.
TranslateViewHelper Returns translated message using source message or key ID.
UserInitialsViewHelper Render user initials for a given username
XliffCacheVersionViewHelper ViewHelper for rendering the current version identifier for the xliff cache.