PHP PayPal\EBLBaseComponents Namespace


Name Description
AbstractRequestType Base type definition of request payload that can carry any type of payload content with optional versioning information and detail level requirements.
AbstractResponseType Base type definition of a response payload that can carry any type of payload content with following optional elements: - timestamp of response message, - application level acknowledgement, and - application-level errors and warnings.
AddressType Person's name associated with this address. Character length and limitations: 32 single-byte alphanumeric characters
AirlineItineraryType AID for Airlines
AuthorizationInfoType Authorization details
AuthorizationResponseType Status will denote whether Auto authorization was successful or not.
BMLOfferInfoType BMLOfferInfoType Specific information for BML.
BankAccountDetailsType BankAccountDetailsType
BillingApprovalDetailsType The Type of Approval requested - Billing Agreement or Profile
BillingPeriodDetailsType Unit of meausre for billing cycle
BillingPeriodDetailsType_Update Unit of meausre for billing cycle
BusinessInfoType BusinessInfoType
BusinessOwnerInfoType BusinessOwnerInfoType
BuyerDetailType Information that is used to indentify the Buyer. This is used for auto authorization. Mandatory if Authorization is requested.
BuyerDetailsType Details about the buyer's account passed in by the merchant or partner. Optional.
CoupledBucketsType Defines relationship between buckets
CoupledPaymentInfoType Information about Coupled Payment transactions.
CreateMobilePaymentRequestDetailsType Type of the payment Required
CreateRecurringPaymentsProfileRequestDetailsType Billing Agreement token (required if Express Checkout)
CreateRecurringPaymentsProfileResponseDetailsType Recurring Billing Profile ID
CreditCardDetailsType CreditCardDetailsType Information about a Credit Card.
DeviceDetailsType Device ID Optional Character length and limits: 256 single-byte characters DeviceID length morethan 256 is truncated
DiscountType Describes discount information
DisplayControlDetailsType Contains elements that allows customization of display (user interface) elements.
DoCaptureResponseDetailsType The authorization identification number you specified in the request. Character length and limits: 19 single-byte characters maximum
DoDirectPaymentRequestDetailsType How you want to obtain payment. Required Authorization indicates that this payment is a basic authorization subject to settlement with PayPal Authorization and Capture. Sale indicates that this is a final sale for which you are requesting payment. NOTE: Order is not allowed for Direct Payment. Character length and limit: Up to 13 single-byte alphabetic characters
DoExpressCheckoutPaymentRequestDetailsType How you want to obtain payment. Required Authorization indicates that this payment is a basic authorization subject to settlement with PayPal Authorization and Capture. Order indicates that this payment is is an order authorization subject to settlement with PayPal Authorization and Capture.
DoExpressCheckoutPaymentResponseDetailsType The timestamped token value that was returned by SetExpressCheckoutResponse and passed on GetExpressCheckoutDetailsRequest. Character length and limitations:20 single-byte characters
DoMobileCheckoutPaymentResponseDetailsType A free-form field for your own use, such as a tracking number or other value you want returned to you in IPN.
EbayItemPaymentDetailsItemType EbayItemPaymentDetailsItemType - Type declaration to be used by other schemas. Information about an Ebay Payment Item.
EnhancedDataType Enhanced Data Information. Example: AID for Airlines
EnterBoardingRequestDetailsType Onboarding program code given to you by PayPal. Required Character length and limitations: 64 alphanumeric characters
ExecuteCheckoutOperationsRequestDetailsType On your first invocation of ExecuteCheckoutOperationsRequest, the value of this token is returned by ExecuteCheckoutOperationsResponse. Optional Include this element and its value only if you want to modify an existing checkout session with another invocation of ExecuteCheckoutOperationsRequest; for example, if you want the customer to edit his shipping address on PayPal.
ExternalPartnerTrackingDetailsType Contains elements that allow tracking for an external partner.
ExternalRememberMeOptInDetailsType This element contains information that allows the merchant to request to opt into external remember me on behalf of the buyer or to request login bypass using external remember me.
ExternalRememberMeOwnerDetailsType E-mail address or secure merchant account ID of merchant to associate with new external remember-me.
ExternalRememberMeStatusDetailsType Response information resulting from opt-in operation or current login bypass status.
FMFDetailsType Thes are filters that could result in accept/deny/pending action.
FlightDetailsType Details of leg information
FlowControlDetailsType An optional set of values related to flow-specific details.
FundingSourceDetailsType Allowable values: 0,1 The value 1 indicates that the customer can accept push funding, and 0 means they cannot.
GetAccessPermissionDetailsResponseDetailsType The first name of the User. Character length and limitations: 127 single-byte alphanumeric characters
GetAuthDetailsResponseDetailsType The first name of the User. Character length and limitations: 127 single-byte alphanumeric characters
GetBoardingDetailsResponseDetailsType Status of merchant's onboarding process: CompletedCancelledPending Character length and limitations: Eight alphabetic characters
GetExpressCheckoutDetailsResponseDetailsType The timestamped token value that was returned by SetExpressCheckoutResponse and passed on GetExpressCheckoutDetailsRequest. Character length and limitations: 20 single-byte characters
GetMobileStatusRequestDetailsType Phone number for status inquiry
GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetailsResponseDetailsType Recurring Billing Profile ID
IdentificationInfoType Mobile specific buyer identification.
IdentityTokenInfoType Identity Access token from merchant
IncentiveAppliedDetailsType Details of incentive application on individual bucket/item.
IncentiveApplyIndicationType Defines which bucket or item that the incentive should be applied to.
IncentiveDetailsType Information about the incentives that were applied from Ebay RYP page and PayPal RYP page.
IncentiveInfoType Details of incentive application on individual bucket.
InfoSharingDirectivesType If Billing Address should be returned in GetExpressCheckoutDetails response, this parameter should be set to yes here
InstrumentDetailsType InstrumentDetailsType Promotional Instrument Information.
InvoiceItemType Describes an individual item for an invoice.
ItemTrackingDetailsType Item Number. Required
MerchantDataType This holds all key-value pairs which merchants wants to pass it to the open wallet(PLCC) processor.
MerchantPullInfoType MerchantPullInfoType Information about the merchant pull.
MerchantPullPaymentResponseType MerchantPullPaymentResponseType Response data from the merchant pull.
MerchantPullPaymentType MerchantPullPayment Parameters to make initiate a pull payment
MerchantStoreDetailsType Store IDOptional Character length and limits: 50 single-byte characters
MobileIDInfoType The Session token returned during buyer authentication.
OfferCouponInfoType OffersAndCouponsInfoType Information about a Offers and Coupons.
OfferDetailsType OfferDetailsType Specific information for an offer.
OptionTrackingDetailsType Option Number. Optional
OrderDetailsType Description of the Order.
OtherPaymentMethodDetailsType Lists the Payment Methods (other than PayPal) that the use can pay with e.g. Money Order. Optional.
PayerInfoType PayerInfoType Payer information
PaymentDetailsItemType PaymentDetailsItemType Information about a Payment Item.
PaymentDetailsType PaymentDetailsType Information about a payment. Used by DCC and Express Checkout.
PaymentDirectivesType Type of the Payment is it Instant or Echeck or Any.
PaymentInfoType PaymentInfoType Payment information.
PaymentItemInfoType PaymentItemInfoType Information about a PayPal item.
PaymentItemType PaymentItemType Information about a Payment Item.
PaymentRequestInfoType Contains payment request information for each bucket in the cart.
PaymentTransactionSearchResultType PaymentTransactionSearchResultType Results from a PaymentTransaction search
PaymentTransactionType PaymentTransactionType Information about a PayPal payment from the seller side
PhoneNumberType Country code associated with this phone number.
ReceiverInfoType ReceiverInfoType Receiver information.
RecurringPaymentsProfileDetailsType Subscriber name - if missing, will use name in buyer's account
ReferenceCreditCardDetailsType CreditCardDetailsType for DCC Reference Transaction Information about a Credit Card.
RefreshTokenStatusDetailsType Response information resulting from opt-in operation or current login bypass status.
RefundInfoType Holds refunds payment status information
RememberMeIDInfoType External remember-me ID returned by GetExpressCheckoutDetails on successful opt-in. The ExternalRememberMeID is a 17-character alphanumeric (encrypted) string that identifies the buyer's remembered login with a merchant and has meaning only to the merchant.
ReverseTransactionRequestDetailsType Identifier of the transaction to reverse. Required Character length and limitations: 17 single-byte alphanumeric characters
ReverseTransactionResponseDetailsType Unique transaction identifier of the reversal transaction created. Character length and limitations:17 single-byte characters
RiskFilterDetailsType Details of Risk Filter.
RiskFilterListType Details of Risk Filter.
ScheduleDetailsType Schedule details for the Recurring Payment
SellerDetailsType Details about the seller.
SetAccessPermissionsRequestDetailsType URL to which the customer's browser is returned after choosing to login with PayPal. Required Character length and limitations: no limit.
SetAuthFlowParamRequestDetailsType URL to which the customer's browser is returned after choosing to login with PayPal. Required Character length and limitations: no limit.
SetDataRequestType Details about Billing Agreements requested to be created.
SetDataResponseType If Checkout session was initialized successfully, the corresponding token is returned in this element.
SetExpressCheckoutRequestDetailsType The total cost of the order to the customer. If shipping cost and tax charges are known, include them in OrderTotal; if not, OrderTotal should be the current sub-total of the order. You must set the currencyID attribute to one of the three-character currency codes for any of the supported PayPal currencies. Limitations: Must not exceed $10,000 USD in any currency. No currency symbol. Decimal separator must be a period (.), and the thousands separator must be a comma (,).
SetMobileCheckoutRequestDetailsType The phone number of the buyer's mobile device, if available.
ShippingOptionType Fallback shipping options type.
TaxIdDetailsType Details about the payer's tax info passed in by the merchant or partner. Optional.
ThreeDSecureInfoType 3DSecureInfoType Information about 3D Secure parameters.
ThreeDSecureRequestType The Common 3DS fields. Common for both GTD and DCC API's.
ThreeDSecureResponseType 3DS remaining fields.
TupleType This holds single key-value pair.
UATPDetailsType UATP Card Details Type
UserSelectedOptionType Information on user selected options