PHP phpmock\functions Namespace


Name Description
FunctionProvider Provides a callable for a mock function.
Incrementable Incrementable allows incrementing a value.


Name Description
AbstractSleepFunction Abstract class for sleep() and usleep() functions.
AbstractSleepFunctionTest Tests AbstractSleepFunction and all its implementations.
FixedDateFunction Mock function for date() which returns always the same time.
FixedDateFunctionTest Tests FixedDateFunction.
FixedMicrotimeFunction Mock function for microtime which returns always the same time.
FixedMicrotimeFunctionTest Tests FixedMicrotimeFunction.
FixedValueFunction Mock function which returns always the same value.
IncrementableTest Tests Incrementable and all its implementations.
MicrotimeConverter Converts PHP's microtime string format into a float and vice versa.
MicrotimeConverterTest Tests MicrotimeConverter.
SleepFunction Mock function for sleep().
UsleepFunction Mock function for usleep().