PHP Piwik\Plugin Namespace


Name Description
API The base class of all API singletons.
Archiver The base class that should be extended by plugins that compute their own analytics data.
Controller Base class of all plugin Controllers.
ControllerAdmin Base class of plugin controllers that provide administrative functionality.
Manager The singleton that manages plugin loading/unloading and installation/uninstallation.
Menu Base class of all plugin menu providers. Plugins that define their own menu items can extend this class to easily add new items, to remove or to rename existing items.
MetadataLoader Loads plugin metadata found in the following files: - piwik.json
Metric Base type of metric metadata classes.
ReleaseChannels Get release channels that are defined by plugins.
Report Defines a new report. This class contains all information a report defines except the corresponding API method which needs to be defined in the 'API.php'. You can define the name of the report, a documentation, the supported metrics, how the report should be displayed, which features the report has (eg search) and much more.
ReportsProvider Get reports that are defined by plugins.
SettingsProvider Base class of all plugin settings providers. Plugins that define their own configuration settings can extend this class to easily make their settings available to Piwik users.
ViewDataTable The base class of all report visualizations.
Visualization The base class for report visualizations that output HTML and use JavaScript.
WidgetsProvider Get widgets that are defined by plugins.