PHP Psr7Middlewares\Utils Namespace


Name Description
Helpers Helper functions.


Name Description
AttributeTrait Trait to save middleware related things as request attributes.
BasePathTrait Utilities used by middlewares with basePath options.
CacheMessageTrait Trait used by all middlewares that needs to a psr-7 message into a psr-6 cache.
CryptTrait Trait used by all middlewares that needs encrypt/decrypt functions.
FileTrait Common methods used by middlewares that read/write files.
FormTrait Utilities used by middlewares that manipulates forms.
HtmlInjectorTrait Utilities used by middlewares that inject html code in the responses.
RedirectTrait Trait used by all middlewares with redirect() option.
StorageTrait Trait to save middleware related things in the current session.
StreamTrait Trait used to create streams.